Chapter 1109

Lu Sichen stepped forward to destroy the graphic, but no matter how he destroyed it, the graphic could not disappear, instead it was red like fire, and finally the fire swallowed Si Yin's whole body into ashes.

The blood curse that dedicated the soul with his own blood could not be undone for life after life, but he didn't know what Si Yin was whispering at the end.

Ten years later.

Bai Jiujiu stood at the school gate and waited. As soon as the get out of class bell rang, a large group of people rushed out.

Bai Jiujiu looked for his daughter, but there were too many people, worried that she might not see him, so he couldn't help shouting: "An Ning, An Ning."

Bai Jiujiu was patted on the shoulder: "Mom, I'm here."

Bai Jiujiu turned his head and saw his naughty daughter, Bai Anning winking at her.

Bai Jiujiu stroked Bai Anning's head: "Little devil, let's go home."

People around looked at Bai Jiujiu with hearing aids on his ears, pointing, and looked at Bai Anning with strange eyes, paying special attention to her ears.

Bai Jiujiu is used to it, but Bai Anning is particularly upset: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen beautiful women!"

After being told, those people's eyes narrowed.

Bai Anning pouted: "Really, who, don't you know it's impolite to stare at people like this? Mom, you are too, you are so weak, without me by your side, it really makes me worry. "

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help laughing when he heard what Bai Anning said, "Yes, yes, my Anning is the most powerful."

"of course."

"By the way, the final exam is out this week, how many points?"

"Uh...Mom, I think that test scores don't represent personal ability, right?"

"Well, then what?"

"So, you can't measure me with points, can you?"

"Well, it makes sense, tell me, how many points?"

Bai Anning coughed: "Actually, it's not bad, I just passed the exam."

Bai Jiujiu: "..." Patience, patience, my daughter, please praise, encourage and comfort her more.

"I think passing is not bad, just like what Aunt Ying Bao said, passing the score is just fine, and one more point is a waste." Bai Anning continued, directly throwing the blame on Ying Bao.

Bai Jiujiu had a headache, and in the end he could only poke Bai Anning's head: "It's really embarrassing for you, you just pass every time."

Bai Anning was happy: "Mom is not in trouble, it's not in trouble, as long as you don't get angry."

"..." Bai Jiujiu was speechless for a while. Is she pretending to be stupid or really stupid? Can't she hear the irony?

As soon as I got home, I saw Yingbao just woke up.

Ying Bao yawned, rubbed his sleepy eyes, looked at Bai Anning and said, "I'm back."

Bai Anning nodded, but she was very obedient and went back to her room to do her homework first.

Bai Jiujiu looked at the lazy Ying Bao and sighed: "You are really amazing, you only woke up now after sleeping."

"There's no way to catch up with the manuscript." Ying Bao said: "By the way, your mother has urged you downstairs several times. When will you go home?"

Bai Jiujiu frowned: "You know I don't want to meet him again."

Ying Bao took a deep look at Bai Jiujiu: "Have you ever thought that this is a misunderstanding?"

Bai Jiujiu recalled the situation ten years ago, and finally just shook his head.

"Hey, it's all my fault. If I brought that woman in, maybe there wouldn't be such a misunderstanding, but no one thought that the woman would have such thoughts, and you might be a misunderstanding, but you kept saying If you want to divorce and take Eggy away, how old was Eggy at that time, you, do you regret it?"

(End of this chapter)

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