Chapter 1112

Wu Qiu immediately explained: "Don't blame An Ning, she is still young and ignorant, it's me, it's my fault, I didn't stand firm."

Bai Anning pointed at Wu Qiu angrily and said, "It's because you didn't stand firm!"

Damn it, it's obviously not her fault, why everyone blames her!Is there any reason.

Bai Anning felt that staying with Wu Qiu was simply torture, and planned to leave.


The familiar voice stopped Bai Anning, saw the person, and immediately ran over, hugging Lu Sichen tightly: "Dad!"

Lu Sichen hugged An Ning, looked at her pouting, eyes moistened and said coldly: "What? You were bullied? Who bullied you?"

Bai Anning looked directly at Wu Qiu, "Her!"

Wu Qiu trembled at Lu Sichen's cold eyes, and immediately said submissively: "Yes, I didn't do a good job, and I made An Ning angry."

Lu Sichen ignored her, just left with An Ning in his arms.

Seeing that Lu Sichen didn't punish Wu Qiu, An Ning was dissatisfied with Lu Sichen, and her father still protected that woman, it's disgusting.

But she did not dare to make Lu Sichen angry, because she was worried that it would be bad if her mother could not come back because of her fault.

No one could see Bai Anning's careful thinking.

But Lu Sichen knew that Bai Anning seemed to be very attached to him, but he was still somewhat afraid of him.

Seeing that his daughter was afraid of him, Lu Sichen felt a little complicated.

This look made her think of Bai Jiujiu involuntarily.

"Is she okay?"

Bai Anning was stunned for a moment, and then realized who she was referring to in Lu Sichen's mouth: "You mean mother? It's not very good, the people who think about you all day have lost weight, wipe their tears every night, The whole person is much older.”

Lu Sichen: ...

It sounded like a lie. In fact, he had a clear grasp of Bai Jiujiu's daily movements, but he was still worried when he heard Bai Anning say that. After all, outsiders' monitoring was not as real as those around him.

Seeing that Lu Sichen was silent, Bai Anning continued to add fire: "Dad, you are so worried about Mom, why don't you bring Mom home, I really want our family to be together."

Bai Anning didn't understand that his father cared about his mother but pushed his mother away.

"Adults, children don't care."

Bai Anning was not happy after hearing this, "I'm not a kid! I'm going to high school soon, and I'll be in the same school as my brothers."

Lu Sichen looked at Bai Anning, as if looking at another person through her, stroked Bai Anning's head and said: "Yes, our Anning has grown up."

Bai Anning originally wanted to chat more with Lu Sichen, but there was no common topic, and Lu Sichen seemed to be busy with work, so he waited boredly for his two brothers, hoping that they could play with her for a while after the training.

Wu Qiu avoided Bai Anning, this young lady could afford to hide, suddenly her phone vibrated, and when she saw the caller, her entire expression changed, and she hung up without even thinking about it.

But the opponent didn't give up at all, and continued to fight.

After Wu Qiu hung up, he planned to turn off the phone directly, but hesitated after seeing a text message.

'If you ignore me again, I'll come to my door. '

Wu Qiu immediately found a place where no one was around, and called back.

As soon as the phone was connected, an extremely rude voice came from the other end.

"Why are you willing to go back to me? I thought you lived a rich life over there and forgot about your lover. Don't forget who helped you with everything you have now. What? Want to cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

(End of this chapter)

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