Chapter 1114

Bai An Ning walked around to look around, deliberately delaying the time, hesitating in his heart, why didn't this person come here, he was slow to death.

That's right, Bai Anning was waiting for someone, the person Wu Qiu said was going to frame her.

She wanted to find out this man, in fact, she had already heard Wu Qiu's talk and just pretended not to know, and dared to harm her mother, hehe, let's see how she reveals the true face of this woman this time!
It's just that the opponent is a pig teammate, right?
It's too time-inefficient. Could it be that you want to wait until it gets dark?
If she doesn't come, she really wants to go back.

Finally, when Bai Anning was about to give up, she was inexplicably wrapped in a black bag. She didn't struggle, but took the opportunity to send her location to the two brothers, and then remained motionless.

"Hey, are you trying too hard to strangle this little girl?"

"No, I'm useless!"

So after the two bound her hands and feet, they took off the black bag and heard Bai Anning's breathing, so they felt relieved that she was not dead.

Bai Anning slightly closed her eyes, relying on her own ears to listen to the conversation.

"Brother Lei, please kidnap someone for you, and don't forget to give it to me for the agreed five hundred."

The person named Lei Ge immediately gave five hundred to the other party, saying: "Let your brother take me to the place I need, and I will give you another one thousand when I get there."

Bai Anning frowned slightly, she was only worth this price?

This woman is also stingy!
Bai Anning glanced at Brother Lei, who looked like a gangster in the society, not too handsome, but in terms of handsomeness, no one could match her two elder brothers.

In fact, this Ma Lei is impatient. When he was young, there were many girls who chased him, but Bai An Ning was not to blame. He was surrounded by good-looking people, so it was no wonder she couldn't catch her eyes.

Bai Anning didn't expect Ma Lei to bring her to a factory dormitory and directly tie her to the bed.

She originally thought that she would wait until Wu Qiu, and the two conspired to do something to her, but she didn't expect that this guy named Lei Ge would actually make a call.

"Hey, Bai Jiujiu, your daughter is in my hands. If you want your daughter to live, you must send money immediately, or I will kill your daughter." After speaking, Ma Lei was worried that the other party would not believe him, so he took a few photos and recorded it again. video.

"Say, how much is it, I'll give it to you right away."

Ma Lei didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward, so he said, "50."

Bai Anning's mouth twitched slightly, okay, she's raised to 50.

"Okay, but there are restrictions on bank transfers, so I'll just bring cash over there, where can you tell me?"

When Ma Lei heard the other party ask where he is?Immediately hung up the phone and murmured: "It's over, it's over, if you find out where I am, won't you call the police and arrest me?"

It was the first time that Bai Anning felt that he met such a stupid thief, who did not have any brains in his actions.

Ma Lei only wanted money, not human life, but if he was in a hurry, he looked at Bai Anning with a bit of viciousness.

Bai Anning felt Ma Lei's fierce gaze, and saw him approaching her step by step with a knife, she opened her eyes involuntarily.

A pair of big eyes suddenly opened, almost scaring Mare to death.

Bai Anning looked at Ma Lei and suddenly showed a strange smile: "Why don't we make a deal?"

Ma Lei didn't expect that a ten-year-old child would be kidnapped by him and would not cry or make a fuss, but instead told him to make a deal, which made him a little flustered.

But driven by interests, he couldn't help but ask, "What deal?"

(End of this chapter)

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