Chapter 1117

Wu Qiu's eyelids twitched slightly, but she still remained calm, she couldn't panic, tears immediately fell down, pretending to be weak to make people sympathetic is her strong point.

"An Ning, I know, I know you don't like me, you hate me, but you ask yourself, every time you come, I will always satisfy you, and when have I refused what you want? How could I do that?" hurt you?

If, if you don't like me, I can leave, but you can't wrong me! "

Bai Anning looked at Wu Qiu so angry that she wanted to hit someone, "Who wronged you! Who wronged you! I have proof!"

Bai Anning winked at Lu Yeshi, it's time to let the dog go!

"..." Lu Ye instantly felt that he had become her little follower.

Of course, he didn't do it himself, but asked someone to take Ma Lei from the trunk and bring him to Lu Sichen.

Didn't he lower his status by doing these things that were already subordinates?

After Wu Qiu saw Ma Lei, the whole picture was pale and bloodless. This idiot was arrested, and she must be sold right now, no, she has to get rid of the relationship!

Bai Anning kicked Ma Lei to wake him up and said, "Tell me, who ordered you to do this!"

Ma Lei just woke up and found that so many pairs of eyes were staring at him, he was a little dazed for a moment, then he remembered what was going on and glanced at Wu Qiu.

Wu Qiu stared at him with a trace of warning.

Bai Anning squeezed her fist, which was naturally a warning.

Ma Lei swallowed his saliva, and was about to speak, Wu Qiu immediately stepped forward and said: "I say, I say!"

Bai Anning smiled triumphantly: "Hehe, it's time to admit it."

Wu Qiu knelt down in front of Lu Sichen and said to him: "It's my fault, I should have confessed to you earlier, but I was afraid, it was Ma Lei who threatened me and asked me to tell him An Ning's whereabouts, otherwise, otherwise he You won’t let me go! But I definitely don’t mean to hurt her.”

When Ma Lei saw Wu Qiu slapped him, he immediately said angrily: "You fart, you asked me to do it, give me back the money!"

Wu Qiu stared at Ma Lei: "Do you dare to say that you didn't threaten me and ask me to give you money?"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ma Lei said with a guilty conscience: "I, I, it's me, but..."

Wu Qiu didn't let him finish the sentence, but cried out: "I was also forced to do so, there was no way, I was forced to go nowhere by him, I knew I was wrong, but if I didn't follow what he said, He'll kill me, you see."

After finishing talking, Wu Qiu didn't care about the presence of so many people, so he directly pulled down the collar to reveal his back. There were indeed many scars on his back. It was the mark of Ma Lei beating her when she was in a relationship with Ma Lei before when he was angry. .

Unexpectedly, it would have such an effect at a critical moment.

"If you don't believe me, there are more injuries elsewhere on my body, and I can show you all of them."

Wu Qiu looked at Lu Sichen pitifully.

Ma Lei didn't expect Wu Qiu to be so ruthless, he pushed all the matter on him, rushed in front of Wu Qiu and wanted to beat her up, Wu Qiusheng couldn't help but close his eyes.

Lu Sichen tapped lightly, and security immediately stopped Ma Lei.

Marley was too scared to move.

Bai Anning didn't expect that Wu Qiu was a good means. If she hadn't heard it with her own ears, she would have sympathized with Wu Qiu.

"You don't have to pretend, I've heard with my own ears that you want to kill me!"

Wu Qiu was stunned for a moment, she never expected Bai Anning to hear it, this time it was her miscalculation.

Bai Anning was too lazy to talk nonsense with Wu Qiu, and didn't want to see Wu Qiu's fake face again, so...

(End of this chapter)

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