Chapter 1123

The teacher looked at Bai Anning like this, and asked suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

"My brother said that he was afraid that the parent of the other party would beat me, so he asked me to hide behind the teacher for protection."


Having said that, the teacher was also a little scared.

Not long after, two people rushed into the teacher's office, Yu Wei and Han Xu who had quarreled with Bai Jiujiu before.

Yu Wei walked up to the teacher and said, "Han Zi, how is my daughter Han Zi?"

The teacher said: "It's nothing serious, it's just a scratch on the skin, and it's being bandaged in the health room now."

"It's all bandaged and it's not a big deal. Who is it? Who beat my daughter, come out!" Yu Wei just had nowhere to vent her pent-up anger!

"I, I hit it." Bai Anning hid behind the teacher and raised her hand.

Since she did it, there is nothing to dare to admit.

"Come out and see if I don't beat you to death!" Yu Wei stepped forward to give Bai Anning a slap.

Bai Anning immediately shrank behind the teacher.

Yu Wei was so angry that he pointed at Bai Anning and said, "Come out, if your parents don't teach you, I will teach you for your parents!"

Bai Anning said disapprovingly: "This aunt, you didn't teach your daughter well. She scolded me first. I might bear scolding me, but I can't bear scolding my mother. Besides, I don't want to beat you. To be honest, I just pushed her away. Hit her, she wrestled and broke her skin, but it was also my fault, if it was me, I guess she would be in the hospital now, not in the health room."

"You, you, you, you are showing mercy!"

Bai Anning smiled and said, "You don't need to thank me, my mother taught me well."

Yu Weiqi's face was flushed, and he couldn't help cursing: "Thank you sister!" He planned to pick up a stool and smash it directly.

Bai Anning dodged immediately.

The stool smashed the phone on the teacher's desk.

Yu Wei wanted to go up to beat Bai Anning, but Han Xu on the side finally couldn't help but angrily said: "Enough! Look at what you look like now! You look like a crazy woman."

Yu Wei was aggrieved and immediately cried: "You scolded me? Your own daughter was beaten by others, and you didn't help her, and you scolded me? Why are you so heartless? Just because the person you like is Bai Jiujiu, you can trample us Mother and daughter?"

"It's unreasonable!" Han Xu knew that his daughter was fine, and he didn't want to stay for a moment: "It's all because of you that my daughter became what she is today."

Seeing that Han Xu wanted to leave, Yu Wei immediately grabbed him: "You are not allowed to leave, you are Han Zi's father, you must seek justice for Han Zi."

At this moment, Han Zi walked in. She came here to see Bai Anning's end, but she didn't expect to see her parents arguing, and Bai Anning hid behind the teacher, unscathed.


Han Zi immediately walked up to Han Xu and cried, "Dad, it hurts so much."

Han Xu still felt sorry for his daughter, and immediately hugged Han Zi and said, "Don't cry, Dad is here."

Han Zi wiped her tears and pointed at Bai Anning, "Dad, she pushed me, she bullied me, Dad, if you don't seek justice for me today, I will be bullied every day in school."

Han Xu looked at Han Zi like this, and listened to her words, and couldn't help but think deeply. His daughter's words were not unreasonable. After all, it was his daughter who was wronged. If you have killed my daughter, let her confess to my daughter in front of the teachers and students in the whole school, and I will spare her."

(End of this chapter)

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