Chapter 1134

"Then you have to tell me something first." Bai Anning blinked at Bai Jiujiu and said, "Don't worry, mom, I promise that I will complete the task and not get hurt."

Bai Jiujiu was still hesitating, Bai Anning talked all night, and finally understood Bai Anning's thoughts.

In the end, it was decided to change the shortest one-month school period to [-] days as much as possible. After sending Bai Anning in, Bai Jiujiu called Lu Sichen worriedly. After all, Lu Sichen has capable people around him. If he can send someone Bai Jiujiu would feel more at ease by protecting An Ning.

"I see, I will let Ai Yehe sneak in to protect her."

"Thank you." Bai Jiujiu said sincerely. After that, the phone remained silent. Both parties could hear each other's breathing, but no one spoke.

It wasn't until Lu Sichen felt severe pain in his heart that he hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Jiujiu's heart was empty for some reason, and his brows were still furrowed.

She clenched her fists nervously, worried about Bai Anning's safety, so she could only tell herself over and over again that she would be fine, that she would be fine.

But Bai Anning and Bai Jiujiu are just the opposite. In fact, she is quite curious. It is said that all the delinquent boys and girls are locked here. What she is curious about is what the so-called bad boys are like?

When Bai Anning went in, he found that everyone here seemed quite honest.

"New here? What are you looking around for, and you haven't found a seat yet!" A male instructor with a fierce appearance said while holding a ruler.

Bai Anning immediately found a place to do it, and glanced at it out of the corner of the eye, why did he look lifeless?

Does it look like what mom said?Is there a secret hidden in it?

This completely aroused Bai Anning's curiosity.

But before Bai Anning could recover, the classmate next to her didn't even want to do something unexpected!
Seeing such a situation, Bai Anning was completely stunned.

It happened so suddenly that no one was prepared.

That classmate fell to the ground in pain, and the other people around screamed and scattered, only Bai Anning sat there in a daze, her whole body trembled, and her entire scalp went numb.

Immediately, another teacher rushed in, rescued him, and then planned to take this student down directly.

And the injured classmate seemed to have angered the male instructor, "Wait!"

Facing that classmate, he was taken down.

The painful scream made every student tremble.

Bai Anning wanted to take a photo, but she didn't expect that the next step would be to hand over everything on her body, including money, jewelry, and various things on her mobile phone.

Bai Anning's first thought, this is not a place to educate people, this is clearly a prison!
She bit the corner of her mouth, but it was a pity that everything was confiscated and there was no way to take pictures to leave evidence.

No, she had to find a way to get the evidence.

Because of this situation, the instructor began to punish them not to eat at night, and each of them lowered their heads in fear, even daring to beat the injured, they felt desperate.

At night, Bai An Ning returned to the assigned dormitory with a hungry stomach, saw a familiar but trembling figure and was stunned: "Why are you here?"

Han Zi looked up and saw that it was Bai Anning, and immediately stepped forward and grabbed her clothes, her voice trembling: "What the hell is Bai Anning here? Why did you come to such a ghostly place! Are you trying to kill me? !!!”

(End of this chapter)

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