Chapter 114
The lights at the front desk dimmed, and the three of them entered the stage. They stood in the positions they had rehearsed before. When the lights came on, the three of them quickly entered their roles.

When Bai Jiujiu was speaking his lines, the weight of the clothes on his body was drooping little by little, which made Bai Jiujiu doubtful and didn't care too much.

But when she suddenly threw the whip, there was a bang, and the clothes immediately fell off. Bai Jiujiu reacted quickly, and immediately squatted on the ground, only showing his smooth back.

At this time, everyone present was dumbfounded, knowing that this is live, live, live, broadcast!

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and take off your clothes for me!" Bai Jiujiu yelled at Tang Yijuan, and Tang Yijuan came back to her senses and immediately took off her coat for Bai Jiujiu.

The camera immediately focused on Miao Shuang. Miao Shuang's heart fluctuated quite a lot, but seeing that Bai Jiujiu did not give up and continued to play his role, he chuckled, "Witch Yiyi, what did you sing? Bar."

Even if Miao Shuang has doubts in her heart, she still has to support the drama of the audience. Now it's live broadcast, she doesn't want to be out!

The jacket of the ancient costume is of silk quality, which is relatively transparent. Fortunately, the director ordered someone to throw away the jacket immediately, and Bai Jiujiu put it on without avoiding suspicion.

"This..." Lan Feiang obviously didn't expect such a situation to happen, watching Bai Jiujiu changing clothes in the surveillance, he couldn't help but said: "Fortunately, Bai Jiujiu is a man, if a woman has to go away."

As soon as the words fell, Lan Feiang's cold gaze from behind caused him to vomit blood from internal injuries, brother, I'm not the only one watching this!

Lan Feiang, who was hurt in his heart, couldn't help but want to sing a song, why is it always me who is hurt, God punishes me like this.

Lu Sichen's eyes narrowed slightly, he was so impatient that someone dared to humiliate his little rabbit.

Lu Sichen immediately called Secretary Wu, his voice was as cold as a knife's edge, "Find out what happened to Bai Jiujiu's clothes!"

"But Boss, you told me that before tonight, I must get the contract out of the coastal area." Secretary Wu wanted to cry but had no tears.

"The contract has been postponed! The quarterly award has been restored after the clothes incident was found out." After speaking, Lu Sichen hung up the phone, not giving Secretary Wu a chance to say any more nonsense.

Secretary Wu's eyes are shining, his bonus is really Bai Jiujiu's defeat, Bai Jiujiu's, obviously Bai Jiujiu has become his future proprietress!
For the boss's affairs, he should work hard.

The cigar was twirling between Lu Sichen's fingers, suppressing his inner mania. His person was watched by so many people just now, and it was still a live broadcast!
Dark clouds rolled wildly in the deep eyes, as if the power of destruction could erupt at any time.

Lu Sichen didn't want to watch it anymore, he had to take his people away.

"As for the follow-up matters, I don't want any unclean things on the Internet." Lu Sichen stood up, with a burly figure of 1.8 meters and five models, tightly wrapped in a handmade suit, restrained and impermeable. , giving people a sense of invisible handsome pressure.

"Follow...obey brother!" Lan Feiang wanted to use this to drive the headlines of the exposure rate of the new star project, but how dare he refuse to follow the elder brother's words?

Bai Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of her heart. The men's meat clothes she bought online have worked. Fortunately, she just changed into this clothes. If you don't look carefully, the clothes are close to the body, just like a man's figure.

(End of this chapter)

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