Chapter 1163


"It's Han Zi, a classmate in our class."

"I see. Don't worry, Bai Jiujiu personally confirmed it. As long as you refuse to admit it, the Han family has nothing to do. And be careful about this Han Zi. It's best to get close to the people around her and find out more. If you have any questions, please let me know immediately, understand?"

"I, I see, Brother Ye."

As soon as Lu Ningning finished speaking, the phone hung up.

Only then did Lu Ningning feel at ease, it was Lu Ye who brought her to the Lu family and gave her all the life she wanted, so no matter how indifferent Lu Ye was to her in the Lu family, she still felt closest to him, because she You can tell him everything.

Lu Ningning thought that Han Zi was hostile to her and would not approach her, but Han Anning did not, and Han Anning seemed to be easy to get along with, so she decided to approach Han Anning first.

And An Ning's mind is full of Lu Beichen now. As soon as she closes her eyes, she seems to be able to see Lu Beichen smiling at her, being gentle with her, and pampering her. She feels that she must be a demon, especially because her heart is out of control. up.

"I, can I sit next to you?" Lu Ningning looked at An Ning cautiously.

An Ning said indifferently, "Anything you want."

Lu Ningning immediately sat next to An Ning, she was not an extrovert, seeing that An Ning didn't intend to speak or make any noise.

The two appeared to be at peace.

In Han Zi's eyes, Lu Ningning is just a scheming bitch, so there must be some ulterior secret to sneak into the Lu family.

Lu Ningning got up to go to the bathroom, but Han Zi stretched out his foot on purpose, and Lu Ningning was tripped and fell to the ground, causing the students around him to burst into laughter.

Han Zi smiled proudly: "I can't even walk."

Lu Ningning felt aggrieved. She stood up and patted the dust off her body. She knew that Han Zi did it on purpose, but she didn't dare. She was afraid of confronting her with a guilty conscience, so she could only bear it silently.

An Ning watched silently, but frowned and did not speak.

If even the client herself chooses to swallow her anger, she doesn't need to reach out to do these thankless things.

But Lu Ningning didn't expect that she was in the toilet, and the door seemed to be stuck, and she couldn't open it, so she called for someone, but no one responded.

But not long after hearing the sound of water being released, Lu Ningning immediately asked, "Is anyone outside? Can you open the door?"

As soon as the words were finished, a basin of water was splashed on her head, and Lu Ningning screamed.

The school bell rang.

An Ning squinted at Lu Ningning, who was at the empty seat, why didn't he come back?

The teacher asked by name where did he go?
The students looked at each other and shook their heads, and one of the female students raised her hand and said, "I seem to have seen her go into the toilet."

bathroom?A hint of ominousness flashed through An Ning's heart, and he stood up and said, "Teacher, I'll call her back."

The teacher nodded.

An Ning walked towards the toilet, and saw a door was blocked with a mop from the outside, she took it down, and when she opened the door, she saw Lu Ningning squatting on the ground crying.

An Ning looked at Lu Ningning who was all wet and said, "Class is about to start, get up."

Lu Ningning still ignored it and just shed tears silently.

An Ning raised her eyebrows, and left directly, "If you don't leave, I will tell the teacher that you want to skip class."

Lu Ningning didn't expect An Ning to leave just like that, so he had no choice but to get up and follow An Ning into the office.

"Report the teacher, the person has been found." An Ning finished speaking and returned to her seat.

(End of this chapter)

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