Chapter 1166

"Why should I trust you?"

Han Zi took a sip of coffee and said, "This matter started three years ago. Three years ago, you came to my house to find Bai Anning. She was indeed not at my house before. Later, my father rescued her on the way back." Bai Anning, the doctor said that she was abused and beaten, and she must have escaped from someone. Fortunately, she was lucky enough to meet my dad, who immediately took her to the hospital for treatment, but unexpectedly, during the treatment, Bai Anning Almost ran into danger again.

And Bai Anning lost his memory after waking up. My father left her in our Han family for her safety, and declared that Anning was his illegitimate daughter outside, just to protect Anning.

My dad guessed that someone in your Lu family was going to kill An Ning. I didn't believe it at first, but after seeing Lu Ningning who looks so similar to Bai Anning, I believed it. It seems that your Lu family is more dangerous than we imagined. "

Han Zi spoke too much and too quickly, and Lu Beichen couldn't digest it for a while, "You mean you saved An Ning? Then why the appearance?"

Han Zi shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, when An Ning was rescued, her face seemed to be disfigured. My father arranged for the best plastic surgeon abroad to heal her face and change her appearance at the same time. You won't find out about her safety, in fact, Brother Beichen, you should be glad if it wasn't for us, An Ning might have died long ago."

Lu Beichen's eyebrows were full of Chengchuan, and he still couldn't believe it.

Han Zi seemed to have known this result a long time ago, so he took out a bag of hair and said, "If you don't believe me, you can check it out. This is the hair I picked up from An Ning when she was asleep last night. Is it really scientific. "

Lu Beichen looked at Han Zi. She was very casual, without any hesitation or hypocrisy. After receiving the bundle of hair, she said, "I will find out the truth of the matter."

Seeing that he accepted it, Han Zi knew that the matter was half over, "But brother Beichen, let me remind you, you must not tell anyone about An Ning, otherwise she will definitely be in danger."

Lu Beichen said: "You don't need to tell me, I know it too, but if you let me know that you are deceiving me, I will never let you go."

Han Zi smiled and said, "Brother Beichen, don't forget that if it's true, I'm also your benefactor, and you owe me a favor."

Lu Sichen didn't say anything, and left with a heavy heart, but he didn't drink the cup of coffee.

Han Zi sipped the coffee on his seat and said, "I will definitely make you my husband."

Lu Beichen's thoughts went back to three years ago. In fact, he was not without doubts, but at that time Lu Ningning was brought back to the Lu family by Lu Ye himself, and at that time... At that time, she lost her memory, and she regained her memory, so they didn't have too much doubt. , But thinking about it now, Lu Ningning does have something different from An Ning before, such as what An Ning likes, what she hates, what she fears.

He remembered everything clearly. At that time, he thought it might be because of life and death that his whole person changed, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Lu Ningning used to hate Lu Ye the most, but now he is the most attached to Lu Ye. Is it true that, as Han Zi said, someone in the Lu family wanted to harm An Ning?

If so, who is that person? "

Lu Beichen felt that he had walked into a dead end. He felt that everyone was suspicious, but everyone thought it was impossible. He almost went crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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