kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 117 How dare you avoid me!

Chapter 117 How dare you avoid me!
"Don't worry, the VIPs in that hospital are not that easy to enter, they won't be disturbed in any way, and I've already sent a few bodyguards to guard them, your mother and they will be fine."

Lu Sichen continued to stroke Bai Jiujiu's head, the soft silk hair felt very comfortable and fluffy to the touch.

Only then did Bai Jiujiu let out a sigh of relief.

She is most worried about her family. If her family is involved again because of her own affairs, she will feel guilty and uneasy.

"I didn't expect that assistant director to hate me so much." Bai Jiujiu had already forgotten about this person, let alone being bitten back by such a person. At that time, she thought that this person had learned a lesson.

"More than that!" Lu Sichen touched the table lightly with his fingers, "I'm afraid there is collusion among the company's internal staff, and even if it wasn't collusion, they might be bribed.

In short, Lan Feiang will investigate this matter clearly, so you don't have to worry about it. "

Bai Jiujiu suddenly thought of Miao Shuang, and felt that the possibility was not very high. She didn't like her, but there was no need to bet on her own future, so she couldn't help asking: "What will you do if you are caught?"

Lu Sichen noticed that the person in his arms trembled slightly, and Bai Jiujiu turned pale when he remembered what happened last time, "Leave it to Lan Feiang to deal with it."

Bai Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, she never expected that Lu Sichen would do this, but she was also worried that Lu Sichen's methods were too bloody, she... couldn't accept it.

To be more precise, he was worried about himself, as if the end of these people was his own end in the future.

She was more and more afraid of Lu Sichen's kindness to her, but she couldn't resist Lu Sichen's kindness to her.

Fortunately, I know that Lu Sichen is gay. If I know that Lu Sichen likes women, I'm afraid she will fall in love with Lu Sichen.

At this time, I had to be thankful that I was able to maintain a semblance of rationality, otherwise, if I became emotional, it would only cause more pain.

In fact, Bai Jiujiu didn't know that he was emotional, but he didn't know it because he was in it.

"But now that the situation has become like this, can it really be suppressed?" Bai Jiujiu was full of worries.

"It is true that there is a lot of trouble, but it is not without a solution. You can kill the chickens to make an example, pull out the thorns in the head, and then use legal means to attack. The next thing is time.

But with the popularity of live video broadcasts, I am afraid that this period of time will not stop.

In this case, there are advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you can increase your popularity for free, and the disadvantage is that netizens will also attack violently, and there are some people who rub the popularity. "

Hearing Duo Lu Sichen's analysis, Bai Jiujiu frowned even tighter: "You mean someone will fall into trouble?"

Lu Sichen stretched out his hand and gently stroked Bai Jiujiu's brows, "There is never a lot of icing on the cake in this world, what is lacking is the need for help. The more difficult the time is, the more you can see people's hearts."

Lu Sichen's deep and charming voice seemed to be magical, and his teaching experience made him seem like a mature and charming uncle.

"During this period, you can look at people's hearts so that you can select close friends. You don't need many close friends, just one or two."

As soon as Lu Sichen finished speaking, Bai Jiujiu's phone vibrated continuously.

Bai Jiujiu picked up his phone and saw that it was a video call from Lin Liying, so he got up involuntarily and went to the balcony.

Lu Sichen's finger was empty, seeing Bai Jiujiu's intentional avoidance, a trace of displeasure immediately flashed on his cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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