Chapter 1178

"But it's still like this, I'm very angry." An Ning stood up directly, and said to Bai Jiujiu, Lu Beichen and Lu Ye: "If you want to keep her, I'll go, she and I can only keep one!"

Bai Jiujiu immediately grabbed An Ning's hand and said, "An Ning, don't leave." After finally finding his daughter, how could Bai Jiujiu let An Ning leave.

Lu Ningning knelt on the ground with a look of despair on her face. She knew she couldn't stay, so she stood up in a daze and walked out the door.

After all, Bai Jiujiu still couldn't bear it and said: "Ye'er, you pack Lu Ningning's things for her and settle her down."

Lu Ye nodded, and looked at his watch subconsciously. The plan was about to start. He hesitated, but right now he had no choice.

Bai Jiujiu hugged An Ning tightly and said, "An Ning, it's your mother's fault that made you bullied. Mom misses you to death."

An Ning also hugged Bai Jiujiu tightly: "Mom, I miss you too, father and brothers."

An Ning raised her head and said, "By the way, how is Dad?"

Just as Bai Jiujiu was about to say something, the phone rang, which was only for emergencies.

Bai Jiujiu answered the channel immediately: "Hello? You said uncle is awake? He is on his way back, really? That's great!"

"But..." Secretary Wu hadn't finished speaking, but Bai Jiujiu hung up the phone.

Bai Jiujiu hung up the phone and grabbed An Ning's hand excitedly, "Your father is awake and on his way home."

"Great, our family is finally reunited!" Bai Jiujiu shed tears of happiness. She knew that Lu Sichen was going to wake up and was extremely excited, so she immediately went to the door to greet him.

As the weather started to turn cold, Lu Beichen carefully put on a coat for Bai Jiujiu, and of course there was also An Ning.

An Ning glanced at Lu Beichen and said, "Thank you."

Lu Beichen said, "You're welcome."

The two looked at each other speechlessly, probably because they didn't know what to say for a while.

An Ning looked at Lu Beichen intentionally or unintentionally, he seemed to be much more mature than before, especially his voice, no longer immature, but rather masculine.

It was a stranger's inquiry before, but now it's a familiar look, comparing Beichen's brother's identity.

I don't know why An Ning couldn't help but look at the corners of Lu Beichen's mouth, and couldn't help hooking Lu Beichen's little finger secretly.

Lu Beichen froze for a moment, then glanced at An Ning.

An Ning seemed to feel that he was being caught doing bad things, and immediately shrank back. Who knew that Lu Beichen grabbed An Ning's hand suddenly, and wrapped his big hand around An Ning's hand.

An Ning's heart suddenly beat faster, thumping, did she suffer from some kind of illness again?

Bai Jiujiu must be free to take her to the hospital.

Bai Jiujiu looked at the front wholeheartedly, and didn't notice the small movements of the two of them at all. The only person in her mind was Lu Sichen.

Her mood at this moment is also apprehensive and anticipating. After all, she has waited for him for so long, it seems that facing him, she has been waiting all her life.

Time passes by every minute and every second, which is suffering but also happiness.

Bai Jiujiu suddenly grabbed An Ning's hand and said, "An Ning, did you hear anything? Did your father come back?"

After listening carefully, An Ning shook her head: "Mom, no, it's because you're too nervous. It might be the tinnitus. Mom, take it easy. Don't be too nervous. It's not good for your health. You don't want Dad to worry."

Bai Jiujiu took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions and said, "Yes, you are right, don't let him worry."

There was a burst of car humming.

(End of this chapter)

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