Chapter 1183

"I don't want you to die, as long as you stay by my side obediently, I will give you the antidote."

Lu Ye stared at A Zhen: "Impossible!"

Ah Zhen sighed and said, "Don't reject me so quickly, you can think about it, I have plenty of time."

In the end, the painful Lu Ye wailed again and again, until the moment the sun rose, the wailing still did not dissipate.

The next day, the Lu family released a news that the second son of the Lu family, Lu Ye, was engaged, and the bride was Lu Ningning, the adopted daughter of the Lu family.

Everyone watched the news and talked about these gossips with great relish.

"Hey, have you all heard? Young Master Lu seems to have changed his wife. I heard that she is the female nurse who has been taking care of him."

"Yes, I heard that the two of them kicked out their ex-wife affectionately for a long time."

"Nonsense, obviously that woman is the wife of the Lu family, and the previous one is a counterfeit."

"Hey, what happens to others is their business, and Yu Nu has no melons."


Everyone is chattering, and where there have been gossips since ancient times, there is naturally no shortage of gossip.

Bai Jiujiu, who was on the hospital bed, naturally heard some of these news.

But what does this have to do with her? From the moment Lu Ye chose to betray her, she decided to sever any relationship or affection with Lu Ye.

Now Lu Ye is just a stranger to her.

And her biggest worry now is Lu Sichen. She mentioned some things that day, which seemed to stimulate Lu Sichen and gave her a headache, but was interrupted by You Yao and sent him back. I wonder if he thinks about it now? stand up?

Bai Jiujiu wanted to see Lu Sichen, very, very much!

Bai Jiujiu contacted Ai Yehe and Secretary Wu.

But neither of them answered the phone.

Bai Jiujiu knew it might be a conspiracy, but she wanted to go even if it was a conspiracy.

At this time, Bai Jiujiu's cell phone vibrated suddenly, it was an unfamiliar text message.

Bai Jiujiu opened it for a look, his eyes could not help but sink slightly.

'I can let you see Lu Sichen, but you can only come alone, and you are not allowed to bring anyone with you. '

Bai Jiujiu replied with one word.

No matter what price she paid, she only wanted to see Lu Sichen.

On the day of the engagement, Bai Jiujiu was discharged from the hospital privately without telling An Ning and Lu Beichen, and came to Lu Ye's engagement scene. She dressed up in a slight disguise, and it was easy to sneak in with the invitation letter.

It seems that the person who sent her a short message didn't expect her, but just didn't know who this person was?what purpose.

But Bai Jiujiu didn't know, she thought that no one would know about sneaking in, but Lu Ye still saw Bai Jiujiu at a glance, but it was only the familiar back, sneaky as if looking for something.

He couldn't help frowning, wondering if his guess in his heart was right, right now he didn't have the heart to deal with these guests, and followed Bai Jiujiu directly.

Bai Jiujiu wanted to find Lu Sichen wholeheartedly, but he didn't find anyone following her.

When she wanted to open a door to see clearly, she was pulled violently and taken to another room.

"Mom, why are you here? Do you know that it is very dangerous for you to come here alone!"

Bai Jiujiu turned his head and said, "I know, don't worry about it."

Lu Ye held Bai Jiujiu tightly and said, "Who let you in?"

Bai Jiujiu snorted coldly: "Why can't you deal with that person?"

Lu Ye couldn't help frowning: "Mom, this place is more dangerous than you think!"

Bai Jiujiu pushed Lu Ye away: "Don't call me mom, I'm not your mom anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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