Chapter 1185

"I have been up and down for ten years after my face was disfigured. I have been trying to take the opportunity to get close to you and stay by your side. I never thought that you would recruit some disabled people to work. Hahaha, this just gave me a chance, but I I didn't expect you to actually accept me when you saw my face."

Bai Jiujiu recalled the situation at that time. No wonder she deliberately grew her hair to cover her face. At that time, she never expected the result like today.

"For today's opportunity, I have spent a full ten years. How is Bai Jiujiu? Does it feel good to lose?"

Bai Jiujiu stood in front of Lu Sichen: "I will never let him succeed."

Bai Jiujiu held Lu Sichen's hand tightly and said, "Husband, don't be deceived by her, come with me."

Lu Sichen directly shook off Bai Jiujiu's hand.

A hint of sneer appeared on A Zhen's face: "Bai Jiujiu, don't you really think that the curse that Si Yin swears with blood will be so easy to unravel? Do you know? In fact, you should have died a long time ago, but Lu Sichen loves you. The thread led to his body, and he was suffering double torture. That blood thread will bind your feelings, and when the blood thread reaches the heart, it is the time of death..."

Hearing this, Bai Jiujiu directly peeled off Lu Sichen's shirt. The so-called blood line, like a red line, spread directly from the arm to the heart.

The other is tightly wrapped around the heart like a thread.

Bai Jiujiu's lips turned white in an instant, his fingers trembling slightly wanted to touch those blood lines, those blood lines seemed to be alive, and he wanted to break free from the fingers entangled with Bai Jiujiu, but Bai Jiujiu was suddenly pushed violently by Lu Sichen open!

This push exhausted all of Lu Sichen's strength, but the double pain in his heart made him unable to help but yell out.

The voice made Bai Jiujiu cover her mouth involuntarily. She didn't know what to do, so she could only look at A Zhen and said, "Tell me how to save him and relieve his pain. I will agree to any conditions."

Ah Zhen squinted at Bai Jiujiu: "Really?"

Bai Jiujiu nodded.

Then Ah Zhen laughed wildly: "Hahaha, what I'm waiting for is your words, then you kneel down."

"What did you say?" Bai Jiujiu was stunned.

Ah Zhen smiled with a bit of contempt and said: "You are indeed deaf. Didn't you hear clearly when I told you to kneel down?"

Bai Jiujiu bit his lip, and glanced at Lu Sichen, who still stood there motionless, his eyes were somewhat empty.

For Lu Sichen, she was willing to kneel.

With a plop, Bai Jiujiu knelt down in front of Ah Zhen.

Ah-Zhen's smile was a little more insolent, this was the result she had always wanted, but unfortunately it wasn't enough!
She wants to trample on Bai Jiujiu, and in front of Lu Sichen, ha ha.

Ah Zhen had a whip in her hand at some point, and she swung it at Bai Jiujiu!
A bloodstain was drawn on Bai Jiujiu's skin in an instant, causing her to bite her lip in pain.

Ah Zhen didn't hear Bai Jiujiu's screams, she beat her up unwillingly and said angrily: "Scream, scream hard! Shout!"

There was a crackling sound of leather whips in the air, each sound was louder than the sound, one can imagine how painful it would be to hit the body.

Bai Jiujiu's back was bloody and bloody, but he still didn't cry out.

A-Zhen was panting with all her strength, but she still didn't stop. She didn't hear Bai Jiujiu's yelling, but it became more and more ruthless every time!

(End of this chapter)

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