kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 119 Who Is Targeting Me?

Chapter 119 Who Is Targeting Me?

"What are you doing with me?" Bai Jiujiu was puzzled in his heart.

"Look." Lu Sichen didn't give any extra explanations.

There was too little time and Bai Jiujiu didn't ask any more questions. After all, Lu Sichen and Lan Feiang were good brothers, and when did Lu Sichen allow others to intervene?

I just couldn't help telling, "Just don't meddle in my affairs later, you've done enough."

Lu Sichen raised his eyebrows slightly, noncommittal.

When Bai Jiujiu pushed open the door of the conference room, he saw that everyone had arrived and seemed to be waiting for him.

Bai Jiujiu shrunk his neck subconsciously. Although he was wearing a high-necked dress, the pink color was particularly obvious, and he knew it was kissed.

Lu Sichen squinted at Bai Jiujiu's movements, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, so that 'him' could feel a little vigilant.

"Leaders and colleagues, I'm sorry for being late on the road." Bai Jiujiu apologized in a very gentlemanly manner.

With such a handsome face and gentle smile, it makes a girl's heart burst, he is simply the younger brother of the nation.

Many female leaders immediately changed their fans, but because Lu Sichen stood behind Bai Jiujiu, they didn't show it clearly.

Of course, there are many fans of Lu Shao, but they are too cold and scared, they all whisper, where did you get the superstar?
Lu Sichen is taller than Bai Jiujiu, and both of them have the advantage of attractiveness to women, especially the cute height difference, which is even more conspicuous.

Lan Feiang looked at Bai Jiujiu and his eldest brother just standing there, seducing the souls of some female colleagues. The charm was really extraordinary, and what surprised him even more was that Lu Sichen came to the meeting!

Probably to prevent his 'woman' from being bullied.

He planned to ask someone to prepare another stool beside him for Lu Sichen to sit down, but he didn't expect that when Lu Sichen stood next to Bai Jiujiu, someone would give up his seat tactfully.

Lu Sichen carried Bai Jiujiu on the armchair intentionally or unintentionally with one hand, as if he was embracing 'his' shoulder, his movements were extremely intimate.

In other people's eyes, maybe Lu Sichen was playing cool, but in Lan Feiang's eyes, the two of them threw a handful of dog food, so he couldn't help coughing before opening his mouth.

"I believe that there is a lot of buzz about things on the Internet, but fortunately, it has no negative impact on our company.

, but the negative news about artists continues to directly affect the original purpose of our training. In the heart of not letting employees be wronged, I have sent someone to investigate this matter clearly, and Sister Li will explain it clearly to everyone.

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that Lan Feiang was a playboy on the surface, but the position of general manager was not for nothing, and he spoke in a different way.

Lu Sichen lightly tapped the table with his fingers, with a calm expression, resting his head on his hands, and staring at the side of Bai Jiujiu.

He found that the serious Bai Jiujiu seemed more... cuter, and every time he stayed with 'him', he could see a different side of 'him'.

Li Chuzhen immediately stood up and said: "This matter has been investigated and it is an internal conflict among the students. Therefore, after my consideration, the following two people will be directly expelled. One is Bai Jiujiu and the other Miao Shuang."

As soon as this remark came out, Lan Feiang strongly objected, "No!
Didn't you tell me about this before? It's Miao Shuang's fault. Just fire her. Bai Jiujiu can't fire her! "

What a joke, Bai Jiujiu was expelled, it's no wonder the eldest brother didn't skin him alive!
What's more, the person involved is here!

(End of this chapter)

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