Chapter 1193

"This is..." Bai Jiujiu vaguely remembered that Si Yin seemed to have a similar picture on the ground before he died. The bright red blood stains and the weird picture made it hard for people to forget.

"This picture was drawn by Si Yin's feet before he died. Although I don't know if it is exactly the same, I am sure that these pictures must have a deep meaning."

An Ning immediately said: "Mom, when we were saving you, we also saw similar figures drawn on your feet."

Lu Beichen said: "That is to say, there must be something wrong with these graphics, and Ah Zhen must know what's useful."

"Huh, this note seems to have been torn." Bai Jiujiu sensed that something was wrong, and only then did he realize that someone had torn a part of it in the middle.

An Ning suddenly said, "Do you think Ah Zhen tore it up? She didn't want people to find out this secret, so she hid the more important pages?"

When An Ning said this, Bai Jiujiu's eyebrows became more serious: "It's very possible."

For some reason, Bai Jiujiu always felt that the deeper he dug, there was an unknown danger.

What does the pattern on the ground represent?

"Then why don't Brother Lu Ye find a way to get out of Ah Zhen's words?" An Ning said.

Bai Jiujiu shook his head: "No, we can't let Lu Ye fall into danger again."

As soon as Bai Jiujiu finished speaking, his head became a little dizzy, and An Ning immediately supported Bai Jiujiu to sleep again.

After Bai Jiujiu fell asleep, An Ning immediately said to Lu Beichen, "But apart from this method, I really can't think of a better way."

Lu Beichen was silent, indeed.

"I will find a way to tell Lu Ye."

An Ning nodded, she didn't feel comfortable, this is a very dangerous task, on the contrary, she felt even more guilty.

Lu Beichen saw An Ning's worry, held her hand tightly and said, "I won't let anything happen to him."

An Ning nodded.

When Lu Ye received the news from Lu Beichen, he thought that once when he went to see Ah Zhen, she seemed to be looking at something, gesticulating with her fingers on the table, as if she was drawing something, when Ah Zhen found him, her eyes moved Murderous intent, he escaped the catastrophe simply because he was very confused at the time.

In other words, the piece of paper must be in the study.

Lu Ye sneaked into the study while Ah Zhen was leaving, and found the piece of paper under the location of his memory. When Lu Ye read it, he was extremely shocked. This, how is this possible?

How is this possible?
This shouldn't be true, it's a joke.

When Lu Ye was going to take the paper away, he didn't expect to open the door, and Ah Zhen was waiting for him at the door.

Ah Zhen smiled and said: "I knew you had a different heart, but I didn't expect you to be so courageous and act so fast. If I hadn't been prepared, I'm afraid you would have succeeded."

Lu Ye wanted to escape, but it was a pity that Ah Zhen was too well prepared and there were too many people, so Lu Ye was arrested.

The window was suddenly shattered. Seeing that it was Lu Beichen, Lu Ye immediately handed the paper to Lu Beichen and said, "Hurry up, take this and go!"

Lu Beichen naturally didn't want to leave Lu Ye to fight alone.

Ah Zhen saw it and said: "Since they are all here, then they all stay and let Bai Jiujiu personally ask for someone for me."

In the end, after a fierce battle, both of them were captured at the same time. If Ah Zhen hadn't left behind and prepared someone, the two of them would have almost escaped.

Bai Jiujiu, your two sons are in my hands. If you don't believe me, you won't come.

(End of this chapter)

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