Chapter 1206

Bai Jiujiu thought for a while and said, "Let's take this little girl down and settle down first."

Bai Jiujiu arranged for the housekeeper, but the little girl wouldn't let others touch her, she would cry when touched.

It was even more impossible for An Ning. She was still a child herself, and she felt very uncomfortable when she heard the little girl call Lu Beichen's father.

In desperation, she could only do it herself, and she couldn't let Lu Beichen go, after all, he was a boy.

Fortunately, Bai Jiujiu went to hold the little girl's hand, but the little girl didn't resist.

When Bai Jiujiu took off the little girl's clothes and cleaned her up, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. The little girl was quite beautiful, as cute and beautiful as a porcelain doll.

The skin is as white as snow, if it is not for the gray eyes, I am afraid that she must be a beauty embryo when she grows up, but if you look carefully, the eyes really look like Lu Beichen, she could not really be Chenchen outside Private son?

However, Lu Beichen's personality, Bai Jiujiu, still believes that he should not be such a reckless person. Could it be that he is handsome and is being tricked by a certain woman?

When Bai Jiujiu was thinking wildly, a clear and tender voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

【I'm his daughter, just like a fake. 】

Bai Jiujiu looked around: "Who? Who's talking?"

[Don't look, it's me, the person in front of you. 】

Bai Jiujiu looked at the little girl in amazement, she could hear her voice even though her mouth didn't move.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help frowning: "Who the hell are you?"

[I've said this question many times, you are Lu Beichen's daughter. 】

Bai Jiujiu looked at the girl: "What is your purpose in coming to my house?" Obviously Bai Jiujiu didn't believe in girls at all.

[Grandma, I'm here to save Grandpa, in order to make my birth smooth. 】

Bai Jiujiu was called grandma by a little girl, and she felt very complicated. She couldn't help touching her face. Is she very old?

Obviously younger than before.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'll send you out tomorrow." Bai Jiujiu felt that the little girl in front of him was very dangerous, and he couldn't let her stay at home, for fear of bringing disaster to the family.

[Grandma, now grandpa Lu Sichen is not the real grandpa, the soul in his body no longer belongs to him, the real grandpa is imprisoned. 】

Bai Jiujiu naturally didn't believe it, the girl seemed to see through Bai Jiujiu's thoughts.

[Grandma, don't you ever suspect that grandpa is a different person than before? 】

Bai Jiujiu fell into silence. If he said there was nothing wrong, it is true that Lu Sichen has changed in many details during the relationship. For example, he used to like to touch her head, but now he is scratching her nose.

But that proves nothing at all.

[I have a way to prove it. 】

"You can hear my heart and know what I'm thinking?" Bai Jiujiu exclaimed.

[Yes, I can hear the true voice of the soul, I inherited this energy from my grandma. 】


[Grandma, you will not forget that your energy has awakened, right?I am your descendant, so I will naturally inherit your energy more or less. 】

"Is that An Ning too?"

[Mom didn’t, not all offspring can inherit, and there will be a corresponding price when inheriting. What I lost was my eyesight. 】

After hearing this, Bai Jiujiu suddenly felt sorry for the little girl. She had lost her hearing before, so she naturally knew the pain.

(End of this chapter)

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