Chapter 1208

In the evening, Bai Jiujiu slept separately from Lu Sichen on the grounds of being with Sisi. Lu Sichen was somewhat dissatisfied, but he didn't refuse, and just kissed Bai Jiujiu on the forehead.

When Bai Jiujiu thought that the other party was not Lu Sichen, his body stiffened involuntarily.

Lu Sichen naturally noticed it, but he left quietly without saying anything.

Bai Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief.

[Grandma, you believe it now. 】

Sisi blinked at Bai Jiujiu, her mouth did not move.

"Well, actually, this doesn't prove anything." Bai Jiujiu comforted himself.

Sisi looked puzzled, not understanding why Bai Jiujiu still didn't believe it.

【Grandma, if you still don’t believe me, you should believe what you see in front of your eyes. You should see the imprisoned Emperor Kongxuan. 】

"What did you say?"

【Di Kongxuan has the same face as Grandpa, but it's not Grandpa. I was sent here by him. 】

Immediately, such a person who looked like a fairy appeared in Bai Jiujiu's mind. Could it be that her dream is real?

"Since he is so powerful, how could he be imprisoned?"

[He used up all his energy to sleep your people on the bottom of the sea for the order of the world. Someone imprisoned him with a blood curse to prolong the time for him to wake up, and it will not cause later...]

"What happened later?" Bai Jiujiu asked.

[It's messed up... Anyway, Di Kongxuan regretted it after waking up, so he asked me to come here to help you find a way to wake him up. 】

"How to wake him up?" Bai Jiujiu felt wrong after asking: "No, why should I wake him up? I want to save uncle, save Lu Sichen, and I want to fantasize about Lu Sichen."

【But Di Kongxuan is Lu Sichen, they are both grandpas. 】

"No, no, he is him, Lu Sichen is Lu Sichen, two completely different people!"

Sisi looked at Bai Jiujiu very puzzled.

Bai Jiujiu was also very confused about how to explain such a complicated issue to a child.

[No matter who grandma wants to save, she must wake up Di Kongxuan, only he has the energy to destroy the world. 】

In fact, Sisi didn't tell Bai Jiujiu one more sentence. In fact, she could not feel the existence of any soul of Lu Sichen, that is to say, from the moment Bai Jiujiu cut Lu Sichen away, his soul completely collapsed. .

In other words, it was Bai Jiujiu who killed him, but she obviously didn't know it.

Bai Jiujiu thought that there was still a chance to save Lu Sichen, and immediately said, "Then what should I do?"

【I... don't know, he said the key lies in me. 】

Bai Jiujiu looked at Sisi, and Sisi looked back at Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu felt countless crows flying over his head...

Was she sent by a monkey to be funny?

But after thinking about it, it's right, what can a child do?

How could she pin her hopes on a child.

【Grandma, I have energy. My energy is to see the other person's soul clearly and communicate with it. That's why I don't speak in front of that person. 】

"You said that you can know the real body of the other party's soul, so who is the person on Lu Sichen's body now, and what does he look like? Please describe to me."

[I don't dare to see what he looks like, but his hair is silver-white. 】

Bai Jiujiu was stunned, it turned out to be Si Yin, how could it be him?
Isn't he dead?

What is going on here?

Is it...

Bai Jiujiu carefully reasoned about all the possibilities, and couldn't help being frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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