Chapter 1212

Bai Jiujiu chuckled lightly: "Dangerous, I don't think there is anything more dangerous than losing him."

Sisi squirmed her mouth, wanted to say but dared not.

【Grandma, if, I mean, if, if grandpa dies, what would you do? 】

Bai Jiujiu was silent for a long time before saying: "Maybe I will go with him."

[But what about mom?What do you do mom? 】

Bai Jiujiu caressed Sisi, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "To be honest, it's really a pleasant surprise to see you. I like you very much. An Ning is now an adult and sensible. She knows what she should do. Some She has to face things by herself, and I owe her something, but there is no doubt that I love her, and I love you too.

But I also love him. Sometimes it is very tiring to carry a lot, but without him, there will be no peace. I have lost and gained, but without him, these are meaningless to me. "

[No grandma, living well is the most meaningful thing. 】

Bai Jiujiu smiled brighter, "You are right, but my premise is that he is with me."

Sisi frowned, she knew she couldn't persuade her no matter how hard she tried.

As if Bai Jiujiu had made up his mind, he walked to Lu Sichen's room. He seemed to be fast asleep, but he was not heavy. The moment Bai Jiujiu entered, Lu Sichen opened his eyes vigilantly.

The hawk-like eyes saw that it was Bai Jiujiu who relaxed, "Why are you here?"

Bai Jiujiu opened his hands: "I miss you."

Lu Sichen's eyes sank slightly, and his breathing became extremely heavy. He walked over and hugged Bai Jiujiu fiercely into his arms. When he was about to kiss him, Bai Jiujiu covered Lu Sichen's lips with his fingers.

"Si Yin, how long are you going to keep it from me?" Bai Jiujiu's tone was indescribably indifferent.

Lu Sichen was stunned for a moment: "What are you talking about, isn't he already dead?"

Bai Jiujiu smiled lightly: "I hope so, but it's not."

After finishing speaking, Bai Jiujiu did not know when there was an extra knife in his hand, which was placed on his neck.

"What are you doing?"

"Si Yin comes out."

"Don't move around, for a long time!" Lu Sichen still didn't understand: "Did you receive some stimulation?"

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to have any strange reactions, Bai Jiujiu frowned.

【Grandma, Hei Ling is starting to fluctuate a bit. 】

Bai Jiujiu made up his mind, the knife went a little deeper, and blood flowed out: "Come out, Si Yin, I know you are inside him, hurry up, or I will die!"

Then Lu Sichen's eyes changed color slightly, and he fell to the ground.

A black shadow emerged from Lu Sichen's body and turned into a humanoid Si Yin.

"You don't even want your own life for him?"

Bai Jiujiu saw Si Yin and said coldly: "It really is you."

"So what if it's me? Do you want to see me because you miss me?"

"Leave his body!" Bai Jiujiu scored another point: "Otherwise I will die for you."

Si Yin's eyes fell on the blade: "So what if I leave? Even if I leave, he won't survive."

"Impossible, you left, his spirit returns to its place, and he will naturally wake up!"

Si Yin chuckled lightly: "Who told you?"

Just as Bai Jiujiu was about to open his mouth, he pursed his lips again.

Si Yin said disapprovingly: "I know someone is helping you in the dark, but its energy is so small that it can't do much at all."

Bai Jiujiu was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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