kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 123 Give Me the Male God!

Chapter 123 Give Me the Male God!
The first second was still affectionate, but the next second was full of gunpowder.

Is this what love is?

On the surface, Lan Feiang has the image of a playboy, but in fact he has never been in a relationship.

"I'm afraid she won't be free..." Bai Jiujiu really didn't want to be called Lin Liying, she was worried about her best friend with her nympho-like carefree personality.

"I'll call." After speaking, Lu Sichen pretended to grab Bai Jiujiu's cell phone.

"No, no, no, I'll call, I'll call, I'll come!" Bai Jiujiu immediately called Lin Liying and told the meeting address and time.

Lu Sichen did it on purpose just now, is it possible to want him to call his love rival himself?
Lan Feiang knew Lu Sichen well, it seemed that it would be very miserable for someone to be targeted by his elder brother, and Bai Jiujiu seemed to be eaten to death by Lu Sichen.

But why sometimes he has the illusion that Lu Sichen is being eaten by Bai Jiujiu?

A well-known hotel box.

The three sat on the sofa in the lounge area and waited.

Lan Feiang was obviously a little annoyed, "Who is that friend of yours? Do you know that being late is..."

Before he finished speaking, he received Lu Sichen's coldness, and immediately changed his tone, "How long is it?"

Bai Jiujiu smiled awkwardly yet politely, "It's almost here."

In fact, my heart is going crazy, Ying Bao, what the hell are you doing, I just told you to come to see the male god, according to the usual temperament of my best friend, but I rushed over, why are you half an hour late!

Where did the dead go!
Lu Sichen shook the red wine in the glass, completely regarded Bai Jiujiu, his best friend, as a provocation to him, a gleam flashed in his cold eyes, and he didn't even want to fight with him.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Listen to his voice before seeing him.

Bai Jiujiu saw Lin Liying's cute attire and finally realized why she was late, so he immediately gave her his hand, "I'm here, I'm waiting for you, hurry up."

Lin Liying immediately rushed over, not Bai Jiujiu, but Lu Sichen, with a look of surprise on her face, "God, we finally met, what a fate!"

After speaking, he hugged Lu Sichen violently.

Lu Sichen frowned, pulled Lan Feiang up, and pushed him directly into Lin Liying's arms.

Lan Feiang was quite surprised just now, he didn't expect there to be such a cute girl, like a porcelain doll, before he could react, he was hugged by such a cute girl.

He seemed to hear his own heartbeat, thumping, strong and powerful.

Lin Liying was secretly delighted that she was able to embrace the male god, she let go of her hand and saw that it wasn't her, she immediately screamed and pushed Lan Feiang away, "Who are you!"

Lan Feiang stroked his fiery red bangs with his hands, and a pair of peach blossom eyes sparked at Lin Liying, "I am Bai Jiujiu's friend, you can call me Lan Shao."

"Oh." Lin Liying said calmly, then turned to Lu Sichen enthusiastically, and said with a crackling voice: "God, what is your zodiac sign? Do you have a girlfriend? Where do you live? What do you like to eat? What do you like to do?" ? And you..."

At this moment, does Lan Feiang seriously doubt that his charm is so insufficient?Why is the other party so cold?

Bai Jiujiu watched with a suppressed smile as her best friend chased after Lu Sichen with questions, she knew it would be like this, and what she didn't even expect was that Yingbao was not afraid of Lu Sichen.

If she didn't know that Lu Sichen didn't like women, she might be a little jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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