kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 125 What Can I Do, I'm Desperate Too

Chapter 125 What Can I Do, I'm Desperate Too

"Oh Maigao! I didn't expect my male god to be gay!" Lin Liying looked a little... a little excited?
When Lu Sichen called the word GAY, it was very harsh and ironic, which made him feel that his lover was being humiliated.

I didn't feel like I didn't care before, it didn't matter.

But now with Bai Jiujiu, his thinking is completely different.

He didn't want Bai Jiujiu to suffer any harm!

Bai Jiujiu sensed the murderous aura hidden in Lu Sichen's eyes, and his hostility soared, he clasped his fingers with him in shock, and smiled at him.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, I hope it can be resolved. He exudes a dangerous aura.

And Lan Feiang also stood in front of Lin Liying, if the eldest brother strikes first, pass him first!

Lin Liying didn't realize it, and suddenly slapped the table with her big hand, which scared Bai Jiujiu and Lan Feiang to a point where they almost didn't have a heart attack.

Seeing Lin Liying, her eyes sparkled with joy, "Same kind! As a senior rotten girl, I can see a real couple in reality, and they are right by my side. I am so touched!"

Bai Jiujiu and Lan Feiang instantly felt a dozen crows flying over their heads...

Bai Jiujiu: Sure enough, the old problem has recurred.

Lan Feiang: I'll go, I almost scared my father to death!
Bai Jiujiu & Lan Feiang: This fellow has such a big heart!They are not affected by Young Master Lu's (big brother) aura, admiration!
"..." Lu Sichen was even more speechless, the murderous look in his eyes disappeared in an instant, where did this come from?
He really doubted Bai Jiujiu's eyes on people.

Lin Liying immediately opened her small bag, took out a few comic books, and proudly threw them directly to Lu Sichen, "This is the only copy I have collected for many years. For the sake of my male god, I gave it to you today!"

This didn't frighten Lan Feiang, he picked up a few books empty-handed, but another one fell at Lu Sichen's feet.

Bai Jiujiu also looked terrified, but luckily his girlfriends didn't throw all of them on Lu Sichen's face, so he was slightly relieved.

"Wow, good skill!" Lin Liying patted Lan Feiang on the back.

Lan Feiang almost wanted to call her aunt!
It made his heart jump up and down, which was more exciting than riding a roller coaster!

Orphan copy?Lu Sichen picked up the comic book at his feet, opened it and read a few pages, his cold eyes rolled darkly a few times, and then he regained his composure.

Well, he has a good eye, Bai Jiujiu really has a bit of a knack for judging people.

Bai Jiujiu stretched his neck to take a look, then retracted immediately, Emma!

She really convinced her best friend, she actually carried this little book with her everywhere!
Lan Feiang opened it strangely, and then handed it to Lu Sichen without blushing and heartbeat, coughing lightly, "Brother is quite suitable for you!"

"That's right, let me just say it!" Lin Liying continued: "Just treat it as a gift from me to you two, I'm so happy for Jiujiu." Don't forget to wink at Bai Jiujiu!

Bai Jiujiu held his forehead, looking at this ghost in front of him with a headache, she is just adding to the chaos!

This comic book is undoubtedly not pouring fire on Lu Sichen's dry firewood, it will burn her to death!
Tears streaming down her face, making friends carelessly, almost pushing her into the pit of fire!
"I didn't expect you to ask your girlfriend to bring it to me." Lu Sichen recalled Bai Jiujiu's words last time.

Thinking of the last time, Bai Jiujiu blushed. She really planned to ask Lin Liying for it, but she just forgot it later. She didn't expect Lu Sichen to remember it!
Lin Liying and Lan Feiang were confused, they looked at each other in blank dismay, what kind of charade are they playing?

(End of this chapter)

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