Chapter 1254

You Yuan looked at Duanmuyi's side, pointed to the wound on his back, and said via voice transmission: "She is a bad woman, kill her!"

"Just kill her? It's too cheap for her." Duanmuyi bent his lips and sneered.

"Liu'er, return the spiritual pet to me!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao covered the wound, and quickly stopped the bleeding, looking at the ear fox in Duanmuyi's hand, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

She was walking by the lake just now, and she saw the big Youyuan first, thinking that it was the one that ruined her reputation, she suddenly became furious, and without a word, she drew out her whip and stepped forward.

You Yuan could have avoided it, but considering the ear fox behind him, he also received this whip for life.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao also saw the ear fox, and thought that she didn't have a spiritual pet yet, and the ear fox was cute and clever, she liked it very much, so she lured the ear fox into her hands with food, and used the food to lure the ear fox into her hands, and it was a murderous move for the you ape.

Duanmuyi rubbed the fur of the ear fox, and said mockingly: "Spiritual pet? Yours?"

"It's mine. Liu'er, it's not that you are used to being poor and want to keep everything you see for yourself?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao asked coldly.

The corners of Duanmuyi's mouth curled up slightly, he had seen shameless people before, but this was the first time he had seen such a shameless thick-skinned one.

"Duanmu Xiaoxiao, I will return this sentence to you intact." She raised her eyes, and her thin body showed a kind of domineering, "Didn't the Duanmu family teach you what is shame? Other people's spiritual pets turn right and wrong into black and white, Miss Duanmu, you really opened my eyes!"

The words Miss Duanmu's family are full of contempt and sarcasm, how could Duanmu Xiaoxiao not hear it?
"You!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao's chest was churning with blood, and he was about to make a move when he heard footsteps not far away.

She had a trick in her mind, and her feet went limp on purpose, and she fell to the ground.

At this moment, Jiang Xin and Di Kongxuan just appeared in their field of vision.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao immediately wanted to cry, looked up at the two of them, hesitated to speak: "Patriarch Jiang... Young Master Di..."

Di Kongxuan gave her a cold sideways glance, and Jiang Yi, who was standing aside, asked with a gentle smile, "What's the matter?"

"Miss Liu'er has taken a fancy to my spiritual pet. Originally, if she likes it, it's okay to give it to her, but since the contract has been signed, if Miss Liu'er insists on taking it, wouldn't that be my life?

I couldn't get angry for a while, so I said a few words to her, who knew that she would actually do it directly...

Young Master Di, what are you doing with such a maid? "Duanmu Xiaoxiao wiped the few tears she finally squeezed out and told her 'difficulties'.

Duanmuyi stood aside, watching her act, the mocking smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

Jiang Su looked at the two of them, and when he looked at Duanmu Xiaoxiao again, his eyes had already cooled down.

He is gentle and polite to others, but not everyone can deceive him as a fool.

"Miss Duanmu, this spiritual pet was taken over by her in the back mountain of the Jialan tribe. When did it become yours?"

Jiang Xin's stern expression gave people no less pressure than Di Kongxuan.

In other words, Di Kongxuan's coercion is a sharp sword, while Jiang Yi's coercion is a towering mountain.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao froze for a moment, looked at Duanmuyi, clasped her slender fingers tightly, her complexion pale.

How could it be hers?

This is only a few days?

He even has a spiritual pet?

"Why, Miss Duanmu didn't continue talking? With your sharp tongue, you may not be able to call my spiritual pet as you." Duanmuyi laughed slightly sarcastically.

(End of this chapter)

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