Chapter 1256

It's just a little bit of interest, what the Duanmu family owes us, I will get it back bit by bit.

"Miss Yi." Jiang Su's voice sounded behind her.

Duanmu looked back and saluted him: "Thank you, Patriarch Jiang."


"Thank me? No need." Hearing the cold snort, Jiang Su bent his lips into a smile and said, "I'm helping you out of the prince's sake."

Duanmuyi immediately said to Dikongxuan: "Thank you, young master."

The corners of Dikongxuan's mouth hooked slightly, accepting Duanmuyi's great gift.

Jiang Su tried his best to suppress the smile on his lips, and said to Duanmuyi seriously: "You have advanced to the late stage of congenital, and your internal injuries have stabilized. You can go to search for medicine at any time."

Duanmu nodded, saluted again, turned and left.

Di Kongxuan's eyes stayed in the direction Duanmuyi left, and his dark pupils flickered, making it impossible to understand his emotions at this time.

Jiang Yi glanced at Di Kongxuan, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: Since ancient times, there is no hatred for love, and love is always annoyed by ruthlessness.

—————Miao Xiaodan’s works, QQ reading first—————

Duanmu Xiaoxiao walked along the Dan River for a long time. Although the Jialan tribe sent her a carriage, the wound on her chest was still painful, and the anger in her heart was hard to restrain.

She lifted the curtain of the car to breathe, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of a boat approaching on the Dan River.

The Dan power in the Dan River is mixed, and ordinary boats cannot sail at all. Only a big family can spend money to build a spirit boat that floats on the Dan River.

The mark of Duanmu's family is engraved on this boat.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao immediately stopped the carriage, ran to the Dan River, waved his hands and shouted: "Who is on board!"

A person walked out of the cabin, in his forties, wearing the family robe of the Duanmu family, seeing her, he immediately sent someone to the shore.

"Uncle!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao remembered the humiliation she had just suffered, her eyes turned red, and she threw herself into Duanmuluo's arms, "Uncle, I miss you so much!"

"Girl, what's the matter? Aren't you from the Jialan tribe?" Duanmuluo is Duanmuhong's elder brother, and also a master of Jindanqi.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao recounted the matter aggrievedly, naturally avoiding the important and taking the light of the matter, which made Duanmuluo feel angry.

"The Jialan tribe bullies people too much! Girl, don't worry, we Duanmu family members, how can we allow others to bully you like this! Uncle will take you back to the Jialan tribe to seek justice!"

Duanmu Xiaoxiao was naturally happy, but after thinking about it, he said: "Uncle can't do it, not to mention that the Jialan clan doesn't allow others to be unrestrained, Dikongxuan alone is hard to deal with."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I once heard the maidservant of the Jialan tribe say that Liu'er seems to be suffering from a disease and needs to go out to find medicine. We just need to wait outside the Jialan tribe and take her down after Liu'er comes out.

All my injuries were caused by her, and I must avenge this! " Duanmu Xiaoxiao clenched his fists.

Duanmuluo nodded: "That's fine, even if you wait for ten days and half a month, uncle will help you out!"

Duanmu Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly, his face unfolded, as if a gorgeous peony was in full bloom.

"By the way, uncle, why are you here?"

Hearing this, Duanmu Luo frowned: "We found that Duanmu Yizai's life card in the clan has not been extinguished, so we suspect that she is still alive.

Now the governor of Yuandong is visiting the clan, just in case, your father asked me to bring people over to salvage along the river, once Duanmuyi is found, we will cut the weeds and root them out! "

Duanmu Xiaoxiao covered her mouth and said in a low voice: "It's all like that, how could it be possible not to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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