Chapter 1262

He pursed his lips, straightened his back, and replied: "My child still doesn't understand how arrogant our ancestors were, they hid themselves from the world, painstakingly taught them how to cultivate, and made my Duanmu family as powerful as it is today.

And the father actually wanted to form an alliance with human beings, and even gave his aunt to someone else to marry him, and finally caused the aunt's family to be ruined...

The boy really doesn't know when my Duanmu family became so useless! "

"Evil barrier!" Duanmu Hong was very angry, he picked up the ruler beside him and wanted to strike again.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps came from outside, the clansman pushed the door and entered, and said in surprise: "Patriarch, the second master's fate card is broken!"

Duanmuhong is the eldest in the family, and Duanmuluo is the second, so the clan used to call him the second master.

"What!" Duanmuhong threw away the ruler, took two steps, and said back, "Shen Zhou, come here together."

Entering the meeting hall, the five elders of the Duanmu family had already gathered, and even the great elder who had been in seclusion came out.

The five people sat in the hall solemnly, and when they saw the two of them coming in, they got up one after another.

"Patriarch." The elder's status is detached, and he doesn't need to salute, he just called out.

Duanmu Shenzhou saluted respectfully: "I have met the elder."

Duan Muhong looked at the Great Elder, but he couldn't detect his cultivation, and said in astonishment: "Great Elder, have you succeeded?"

The Great Elder stroked his beard and nodded: "I have lived up to expectations, and have entered the late stage of Nascent Soul."

The late stage of Nascent Soul is the stage closest to becoming a god. It can be said that it is half a step of becoming a god!

The Duanmu family has an old monster in the late stage of the Nascent Soul. If this news gets out, it will be enough to overthrow the entire spirit clan!
Duanmuhong was overjoyed, even the news of Duanmuluo's death could not dilute the joy.

"What's the matter with the second child?" The Great Elder didn't show much joy, but asked with a frown.

Duanmuhong immediately recounted the previous incident, and finally said: "The girl's life card is not broken, so it can be seen that she is still alive, so the second brother asked for orders to take someone to look for it.

It's just that I don't know what the specific situation is.Didn't the second brother come back with the idea? "

The third elder shook his head: "The murderer's cultivation level is unfathomable if he can kill his mind at the moment of death."

The second elder asked: "Since the second son went to find Duanmu Yi, how could he die? Could it be that Duanmu Yi killed him?"

"My cousin has no spiritual roots since she was a child, and she can't accumulate any spiritual energy in her dantian, and she hasn't even touched the threshold of the innate realm. How could it be her." Duanmu Shenzhou couldn't help but say, "Maybe uncle met someone, There was a conflict."

The Great Elder pondered for a moment, then said: "Fifth, go ahead, no matter what, you must bring back the body of the second. If you can find out who did it, don't act rashly, come back first."

The Fifth Elder stood up and replied, "Okay, I'll just go this way."

————Miao Xiaodan’s works, QQ reading first release —————————— Meow Xiaodan’s works, QQ reading first release—————

Duanmuyi was injured and had to be raised in the Jialan tribe for another five days. Under the treatment of Jiang Xin's various strange medicines, he finally recovered more than half.

"I have already told Di Kongxuan how to do the acupuncture. On the way to search for medicinal materials, your viscera problems may occur from time to time, and you will have to rely on him when the time comes." Jiang Su took the needle and ordered.

Duanmu stood up and replied: "Okay, I understand."

"Oh, there is one more thing." Before Jiang suspected to go out, he suddenly remembered something and backed away.

(End of this chapter)

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