Chapter 1284

Duanmu Xiaoxiao said with a grin: "Sister Xu, that Liuer's city is very deep, if you want to deal with her, you have to think of a way.

She would do anything for that man. "

Xu Yingzi is not stupid, she looked at her and sneered: "You know so much, what is your relationship with them?"

"That man was originally my fiancé, but he combined with Liu'er to kill my family, and I came to capture them."

Duanmu Xiaoxiao gently tore off the peach blossoms on the tree with his fingers, and said calmly, "If you can help me kill Liu'er, I will help you get that man."

Xu Yingzi seemed to be considering the credibility of her words, but in a blink of an eye she saw the Lingyu hanging from her waist.

Recognizing that it is of the highest quality jade, unless it is royal nobles, it is impossible to have it, so I also believe it to a certain extent.

She pursed her lips and said, "Okay, I promise you."

The next morning, the convoy set off again, Xu Yingzi still sat in Di Kongxuan's carriage, looked at the silent Duanmuyi, and said with a smile, "Did you two sleep well last night?"

Duanmu replied: "Very good, very good."

All but swollen lips from being bitten by someone.

"It will take more than half a month to reach Wushahai, you two should enjoy the scenery along the way." Xu Yingzi smiled softly.

They agreed to enjoy the scenery on the road, but two days later, the carriage they were riding in broke down, one wheel broke, and they couldn't drive anymore, so they had to ride with others.

But there was only one seat to sit together, Xu Yingzi pushed Duanmuyi into a carriage, and squeezed together with Dikongxuan.

That night, Duanmuyi walked into the room of the inn with a washbasin in his hand, put the washbasin on the table angrily, and said without looking back, "Dabai, come over here and wash your face."

There was no movement behind.

She turned her head: "Didn't you hear me!"

With his back to her, Di Kongxuan was standing by the window, at this moment he slowly turned his head.

The moment Duanmuyi saw his eyes staring down at Wanfang as usual, Duanmuyi knew that he had returned to normal.

36 counting is the best policy.

She said nonchalantly, "Are you awake? Let's go to bed earlier."

Di Kongxuan's eyes darkened slightly, watching her walk to the bed, shake off the quilt, and lay down with her back to him, not knowing how she felt.

He knew that he would be in a strange state for three days after being poisoned. He heard Duanmu Yi just called him "Dabai", and he could roughly guess how his personality changed during these three days.

The strange thing is that he didn't care about how his personality changed before, but this time, he was inexplicably unhappy.

Di Kongxuan was unhappy, so he naturally wouldn't hold it back, walked directly to the bed, and grabbed Duanmuyi up.

Duanmuyi had bullied him for the past three days, and bullied him ruthlessly, but Dikongxuan, who is Dabai, would not fight back, and he was only thinking about waiting for her to kill him.

Now being picked up by the awakened Di Kongxuan, he still felt a little guilty.

"Dabai, are you talking about that person?" Di Kongxuan asked.

"That person?" Duanmuyi smiled, tilted his head and said, "Is that what you call yourself?"

"That's not me." Di Kongxuan looked cold, "Duanmuyi, don't try to seduce that person."

Duanmuyi took his hand, took him off his neckline, then hooked his neck, leaned forward, and sniffed in front of him: "Dikongxuan, do you smell something? ?”


"It's so sour..." Duanmuyi deliberately exaggerated.

(End of this chapter)

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