Chapter 1306

What made her feel even more horrified was that there was a chubby baby lying beside her pillow!
She blankly let herself go.

What's going on, when she woke up, she had a baby? !

The door was pushed open with a creak, and a benign old lady walked in, holding a bowl of dark medicine. Seeing her wake up, she hurriedly smiled and said, "Miss, you are awake."

"You are—" Duanmu opened his mouth, only to realize that his voice was very hoarse.

"When your husband brought you here, I was really frightened.

I am the midwife in this village, don't worry, mother and child are safe now! "

Duanmuyi's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted again.

She must be hallucinating, it must be!

What husband?What mother and child are safe?
Could it be that she advanced once and crossed over again?

In a trance, the old woman fed her medicine, and told her not to blow the wind during the confinement period, and just lie on the bed with peace of mind, and then left the room.

Duanmu sat up abruptly and moved to the end of the bed.

The pink and tender baby on the bed, and the round arms like lotus roots, made her feel terrified.

She has never touched this kind of mollusk in her entire life, no, in her two lifetimes combined!
Let her kill people, let her raise children, then kill her!
Unexpectedly, after a while, the child suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, looked at her and shouted: "Master."

With his childish cry, his hair fluttered, revealing a pair of fox ears.

A pair of fluffy ears moved slightly, cute to the bone.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, and when he took a closer look, he saw that his eyes were all blue.

She took a deep breath and confirmed, "Ear Fox?"

"Master!" Erhu responded, and rushed towards her with open arms.

But he really ignored his size, so he plopped down on the bed.

The chubby body rolled over in the quilt, but was unable to turn over again.


Duanmuyi stretched out his finger, poked his buttocks, and asked, "How... did you become like this?"

"Master, they will be promoted..." Erhu's aggrieved voice came from under the quilt, "When you absorbed the spiritual power of that energy ball, I, as your spiritual pet, also absorbed it together." .

Originally, I was stuck at the level of promotion, but this is great, and I will be reborn all of a sudden. "

Duanmuyi was at a loss - he had heard that spiritual pets can develop spiritual wisdom, but he had never heard that spiritual pets could cultivate human form.

Erhu knew what she was thinking, and said: "Master, I am different from other spiritual pets.

Our ear fox group is an ancient beast, how can it be compared with other spiritual pets.

After we enter the golden elixir stage, we can transform into a human form, and start to practice in the human form, and we can get twice the result with half the effort. "

"Then..." Duanmuyi picked up his swaddle, looked at the baby who hadn't grown up at all, and tugged at his fox ears, "Can you still enter the spirit pet space?"

The ear fox rests its chin in a humane manner, and because its arms are too short, the movements are not in place, which is funny instead.

He sighed: "My bones are fragile now, and my soul still needs to be nourished. I am not suitable for entering the spirit pet space."

"It's impossible for me to hug you!" Duanmuyi immediately threw him on the quilt to separate him.

It's a joke, she has a baby as an unmarried girl, if it spreads, does she still have a reputation?
(End of this chapter)

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