Chapter 1311

Di Kongxuan let out a cold snort, and the black worms dispersed.

Duanmuyi took the bone and held it in his hand, he felt warm and comfortable, as smooth as fine white jade.

The bone is still emitting a glistening white light, which looks extremely mysterious.

"What's the use of refining it?" Duanmu asked.

Di Kongxuan didn't want to explain at first, but seeing her curious eyes, somehow he changed his mouth and said, "Haven't you read the book?
Ba Snake eats elephants. Its bones come out at the age of three, and if it is eaten, it will have no serious diseases. "

What this means is that Ba Snake can swallow an elephant, and after three years, it can accumulate a piece of elephant bone essence, refine it or swallow it, and there will be no illnesses in its confidants.

"It is very helpful for your visceral injuries."

Duanmuyi stopped talking nonsense at the moment, held the elephant bone in his palm, and with a thought, spiritual power surged out from his palm, wrapping the elephant bone.

The essence and spiritual power in the elephant bone was absorbed by her into the palm, and finally fell along the meridians, lingering in the heart and abdomen, and finally formed a flowing transparent film, shining with holy white light.

Sure enough, the viscera, which had always been in pain before, was relieved a lot at this moment.

Not far away, the Great Elder concealed his aura, and at the same time looked at the two people over there without blinking, slowly thinking in his heart.

"This woman's luck is really good. Although Ba Snake's cultivation level is not high, she is extremely difficult to deal with, and she was able to kill her.

That elephant bone is a good thing, it's a pity to waste it on her body. "The Great Elder's eyes were cold, if Di Kongxuan hadn't been on guard all the time, he would have stepped forward to snatch it.

With Duanmuyi's cultivation, he couldn't beat him with one move, but Dikongxuan was a problem.

Di Kongxuan seemed to have sensed it, and turned his head to look this way.

However, the Great Elder was alert in advance and retreated into the Daze.

With his ability, the water in Daze didn't have any effect on him, but blocked Di Kongxuan's consciousness detection, and escaped smoothly.

When Duanmuyi opened his eyes again, the elephant bone in his hand had turned into powder.

She clapped her hands, looked at Di Kongxuan, and coughed dryly: "Thank you very much."

Today, she always felt that he was against her everywhere. Looking at it now, he didn't discriminate between public and private. He knew to keep good things for her when he came across them.

Well, he's a nice guy.

"You don't need to thank me. I'm a little hungry. Did you just say grilled snake?" Di Kongxuan smiled slowly and said calmly, "Then please."

Duanmu was at a loss: "What?"

Di Kongxuan said patiently, "Roast the snake."

Duanmuyi became more bewildered, looked around and asked, "Where is the snake?"

"..." Di Kongxuan glanced at her, his expression slightly cold: "Are you so stupid?"

Duanmuyi decided to take back what he said just now.

What a good man, he is clearly a treacherous person!

Fortunately, Daze is not really boundless, Di Kongxuan walked through the air with Duanmuyi, and after a while, he saw the forest on the edge.

The border of the vast virgin forest is just in front of you.

After Di Kongxuan put Duanmuyi down, he sat down under a tree majestically, with the meaning of "stupid women don't go looking for snakes" written all over his face.

Duanmu felt powerless to complain, and turned to look for the snake with the Seven Treasure Blade in hand.

Fortunately, although it is another space-time enchantment, the mountain and sea spiritual realm is also a mountain forest after all. Snakes, insects, rats and ants are indispensable in the mountain forest. Duanmuyi quickly caught two snakes.

Just as she was about to go back with the snake, she suddenly stopped and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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