Chapter 1313

"You don't understand, these things are the most nutritious.

I used to..." Duanmu paused and waved his hands, "Forget it, you don't understand.

I'll catch two more snakes. "

Originally, she picked up these things just to play a prank, to see Dikongxuan's reaction.

But at this moment, she suddenly began to really miss her previous life again.

Running around, sometimes staying in the virgin forest for a week in order to perform a task, although it is bitter, it belongs to her own world.

In that world, she doesn't need to obey anyone's assignments, tasks, she can take them whenever she wants, and if she doesn't want to take them, she can fly around the world and take vacations everywhere.

It's not like now, everything is controlled by others.


She once again felt the importance of strength.

After waiting for Uncle Di Kongxuan to finish eating the grilled snake meat, Duanmu Yi just leaned over and asked, "When can I go hunting monsters?"

"Not in a hurry." Di Kongxuan pointed to Daze not far ahead, "You should feel it, the water of Daze is sticky, when will you be able to swim freely in the water without relying on spiritual power , we will hunt monster beasts anytime."

Duanmuyi opened his mouth, turned his head, and said indifferently: "You are avenging your own personal revenge."

"It seems that you haven't understood yet." Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand, pinched her chin, bent his lips, and revealed a smile that was beyond compare, "However, you will understand soon."

Duanmuyi's eyes were dazzled by his smile, before he could react to what he said, he slapped his shoulder on the shoulder, flew backwards, and fell into the water again in the blink of an eye.

On the shore, the man stood with his hands behind his back, full of momentum, a powerful force that Duanmuyi could not resist.

Duanmuyi stood in the water and beat the water surface hard.

For the next five days, Duanmuyi was soaked in the water, only when night fell, Di Kongxuan would kindly pull her ashore, allowing her to eat and rest for three hours.

However, Duanmuyi didn't complain anymore.

She quickly understood the meaning of Dikong's mysterious words—although the water in the great lake is sticky and will drag people down, but in the process, she relied on her spiritual power to resist the stickiness, her own spiritual power Strength is constantly being forged.

That's what it means to be tempered into steel.

Five days later, Duanmuyi discovered that the purity of the spiritual power flowing in her meridians was by no means comparable to that of five days ago. Only now can she be regarded as having truly stepped into the golden core stage of cultivation.

With a "chi", a ripple suddenly appeared on the calm Daze water.

Immediately afterwards, a girl in emerald clothes broke through the water, and her exquisite figure was wrapped in the wet clothes. After a while, she was dried by the spiritual power that broke out of her body.

Standing on the surface of the water, she didn't rely on her own spiritual power, nor did she sink into the water.

"How?" She smiled confidently and looked at the man on the shore.

Di Kongxuan also bent his lips, and with a flick of his fingertips, a streak of golden spiritual power pierced out and hit her shoulder.

Duanmuyi groaned and fell into the water with a plop.

She got out of the water, wiped her face, and glared at Di Kongxuan.

"Let's go." Di Kongxuan turned around, thinking about going deep into the forest.

Duanmu Yi was stunned for a moment, then his brows brightened, and he immediately flew ashore, dried his clothes quickly, and caught up with him.

Di Kongxuan didn't walk fast, Duanmuyi followed him, glanced at him, and couldn't help asking: "Is my level still okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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