Chapter 1324

Every time something that he didn't want to mention in his heart was touched, the relationship between the two would become very stiff, so they simply didn't mention it.

It's just that there are some pimples in my heart, the clothes are uncomfortable to wear on the left and right, and I keep pulling on my collar.

In the carriage, Di Kongxuan saw that she had pulled his collar for the eighth time, and said, "Are you hot, or are you trying to seduce me?"

The hand that had just been raised was put down quickly, Duanmu said seriously: "Hot."

"Take care of your hands, I'm here to fetch the medicine for you tonight, if something goes wrong, I'm not responsible." Di Kongxuan snorted and turned his eyes away.

Duanmu thought that he didn't like wearing this dress himself, and felt more and more that this dress might have been worn by his "dead wife", and felt uncomfortable all over.

However, Di Kongxuan felt that she was extremely beautiful in this dress.

Even though she is changing her appearance today, no one has ever been able to support this suit. When she wears it, it seems as if it was tailor-made for her.

So he avoided his eyes and didn't dare to look more.

All the way into the palace in silence, in the Xingzhi hall, many ministers have already sat down.

Duanmuyi immediately turned into "Mrs. Huang", raised a conceited and willful smile, his brows and eyes seemed to be lit up in an instant, and followed "Huang Siyuan" into his seat with all kinds of flair.

The "little son" in her arms was handed over to the maid behind her, and when she turned around, she snuggled into "Huang Siyuan"'s arms.

"Ahem..." An elderly minister was sitting on the left side of the two of them. When he saw this scene, he was choked by the drink and coughed non-stop.

Di Kongxuan hugged "Mrs. Huang" slowly, and looked at the old man with concern: "What's wrong with Prime Minister Zuo? Does it matter?"

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay." Prime Minister Zuo calmed down, waved his hands quickly, and said with a smile, "Master Huang and Mrs. Huang are very affectionate, and I envy others hahahahaha."

"On behalf of my husband, I offer a toast to the prime minister first." Duan Muyi casually took the wine cup on the table and said with a light smile.

Prime Minister Zuo was stunned for a moment, Di Kongxuan had already stretched out his hand, pressed Duan Muyi's wrist, and whispered in her ear: "Madam, Your Majesty is still here, why are you so anxious?"

Duanmuyi realized that it was taboo to drink before the leader arrived.

"Oh, my concubine is thirsty." Duanmuyi came back to his senses, turned his head immediately, and said coquettishly.

Prime Minister Zuo hurriedly ordered the maid beside him: "Go and bring Madam Huang a glass of water."

After waiting for a while, the emperor arrived late with all the beauties after all the ministers had arrived.

The emperor looks three points similar to He Erchuan, and the brothers share similar interests and aesthetics.

Thinking of the one to eight wives in the Heerchuan Mansion, and looking at the dozen or so concubines around the emperor, Duanmu Yi was almost dazzled.

With so many similar faces, no matter how good-looking they are, it will cause visual fatigue, right?

After some ceremonies, the banquet officially began. "Huang Siyuan", who is a big official in the frontier, received special attention, and "Ms. Huang", who is famous far and wide, of course, was inevitably greeted with cold and warm greetings.

Even the "Little Young Master Huang", who started sleeping as soon as he entered the palace, was besieged by the wives of various families.

Duanmu Yi glanced at the ear fox, and after confirming that it would not open its eyes, he felt relieved.

She has no way to change the color of the ear fox's pupils for the time being, so she can only make the ear fox pretend to sleep.

"Mrs. Huang is guarding the border with Master Huang, and she can also be called a hero among women. Come, this general proposes a toast to you!"

A man who didn't know what kind of general came forward and took a huge wine glass.

(End of this chapter)

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