Chapter 1332

Following this way, several times of harassment has already made Duanmuyi very uncomfortable.

She walked out of the cave slowly, and saw that the two were already standing not far away.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao smiled proudly: "Liu'er, let me see who else can come to rescue you today!"

"I'm not like you, I can only pretend to be a tiger." Duanmuyi sneered, the power of her palm surged, and a light blue halo spread from her eyebrows.

She got the demon pill from Yan Fei, refined it, and acquired Yan Fei's illusion skills, but she never had the chance to use it in actual combat.

Today I have the opportunity to let her try it, and she also wants to see how far she can strengthen it with her own ability.

The Great Elder was surprised for a moment: "This is... the illusion of Yan Fei! Xiao Xiao, step back!"

Duanmu Xiaoxiao didn't dare to hesitate, she quickly backed away, and at the same time she was even more jealous - why every time she saw this Liu'er, she could make some progress?
On the other hand, he didn't even improve his cultivation during this period of time.

Duanmuyi had previously used the exercises of the Jialan tribe, and practiced the technique of "control".

Her soul power has reached an unprecedented height.

However, the Great Elder is already a strong man in the half-step Nascent Soul Late Stage, no matter how tyrannical Duan Muyi is, he can't do anything to him at all, at most he will be stunned, but only for a second.

The breath of the Great Elder's whole body was agitated, and as soon as the exercise was performed, the loess all over the ground began to tremble.

His aura is earth-type, and his spiritual power is in the late Yuanying period. At this time, the dark brown spiritual power spreads out in a half circle with him as the center.

Wherever the spiritual power passes, the vegetation turns to ashes.

Duanmuyi quickly backed away, not daring to take it hard, and at the same time, the blue-silver spiritual power in his palm kept churning, and countless animals in the mountain began to gather here.

The vegetation grew wildly, and soon overwhelmed her.

The Great Elder stood in the grass that was as high as a person, and he could sense Duanmuyi's position at first.

But after a while, no matter how he probed with his spiritual power, he couldn't detect where Duanmuyi was.

He didn't know that Duanmuyi possessed a "hidden" self-created technique.

Duanmuyi didn't feel comfortable hiding in the grass.

With her cultivation, she can only hide by herself, and summoning these animals and plants to fight is really exhausting.

At this time, the golden core in her dantian has started to rotate continuously, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fortunately, her innate skills allow her to continuously and automatically absorb external spiritual power to replenish her own consumption.

It's just that if you can't make ends meet, your spiritual power will eventually dry up.

The voice of the Great Elder came from the front: "Give it up, do you think the old man has no way to deal with these little tricks?"

Duanmuyi sneered, mobilized his spiritual power, and the wild beasts lurking in the grass began to crazily rush towards the Great Elder.

It's just that with her current ability, she can't endow the beasts with attack power, and after they are harassed, they can only turn into a corpse.

There are not many wild beasts in the mountains. After all, it is close to the imperial capital, and the dangerous ones have already been hunted down.

Soon, Duanmuyi ran out of beasts to use.

And the weeds, under the spiritual power of the Great Elder, turned into ashes one after another.

Duanmuyi clenched his fist, the Seven Treasure Blade seemed to be in his hand.

The voice of the Great Elder came again: "The old man admits that you are much stronger than the old man expected, but no matter how strong you are, you are nothing more than an ant. Die!"

He clenched his fists and suddenly hit the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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