Chapter 1334

The cultivation base of the Great Elder Half-Step Nascent Soul Late Stage is simply not something they can bear.

Dikongxuan picked up Duanmuyi and let her lean into his arms, he called out in a low voice: "Stupid woman, wake up."

"I'm fine..." Duanmuyi regained consciousness a little bit, saw Dikongxuan arrived, only had time to say a word, then passed out again.

Di Kongxuan hugged her and got up, and was about to leave when suddenly there were footsteps from all directions.

Three horses neighed and stopped in front of him.

He Erchuan sat high on the horse, looking at these scenes, he was also taken aback for a moment.

He had just seen a brilliant purple light appearing on the mountain outside the city just now, and he already felt that something was wrong, but he did not expect such a scene.

Who is that old man?

"Your Highness, there is another woman over there." Helian pointed to Duanmu Xiaoxiao and said.

He Erchuan glanced, and his eyes lit up: "Oh, she is also a beauty.

Hey, what kind of eyes does she have? "

Duanmu Xiaoxiao glanced at him, then looked away.

With her status, she naturally wouldn't pay attention to ordinary princes in the human world.

Helian hesitated for a moment, and said, "It seems to be looking down on His Highness."

"Oh, this king still looks down on her.

Look at her face, do you really think you are some kind of fairy?

Mrs. Peony of this king doesn't have such a gesture. He Erchuan waved his hand, "It's annoying to watch, so drive her away." "

Immediately, several people went forward to chase away Duanmu Xiaoxiaohe, who had been treated like this before, and immediately injured one person.

But then, her spiritual power was sealed.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao was thrown out without even struggling.

He Erchuan has already set his sights on the opposite side.

He laughed and said, "Why, do you still want to fight with my eight thousand personal guards?"

At this moment, there were soldiers all over the mountains and plains, Di Kongxuan held Duanmuyi in his arms, glanced casually, chuckled lightly, his eyes were indifferent: "Does Prince Chuan really think that I won't kill people?"

"You kill someone, that's against the rules." He Erchuan laughed.

"The rules are for practitioners." With a wave of Di Kongxuan's hand, a burst of spiritual power sent a soldier behind him flying.

The spiritual power in his palm was still active, and there was no sign of being sealed at all.

He Erchuan was stunned.

The Great Elder exclaimed: "Break through the rules and restrictions... Huashen, you have already..."

Dikongxuan's golden eyes swept lightly, and the First Elder was so shocked that he couldn't utter a word.

"Three numbers, if you don't retreat, don't blame me for doing it." Di Kongxuan said coldly.

He Erchuan's eyes flickered for a moment, and he suddenly raised his hand, signaling the guards to retreat a little: "Well, I am also worried about Peony's safety, so let me escort you out of the Hull Empire, how about it?"

"No need." Di Kongxuan coldly refused.

"What if we exchange the news of the bones by the stream?" He Erchuan chuckled.

Di Kongxuan frowned, glanced at him, turned his head and left.

He Erchuan was dumbfounded: "Aren't you looking for a peerless elixir?

The only ones that can compare with Shatang wood are the stream bone and Lanxi grass. "

"Ignorance." Di Kongxuan rose into the air, stopped talking nonsense, and disappeared into the midair with Duanmu's intentions.

The purple-golden light in the forest was exhausted, only the cage where the Great Elder was imprisoned was still emitting a faint light.

The First Elder looked at He Erchuan and said, "Your Highness, I am the First Elder of the Duanmu Family of the Spirit Race. If you help me get out, everyone in the Duanmu Family will be grateful to you."

(End of this chapter)

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