Chapter 1336

In the middle of the rubbing, a hand suddenly reached out and pinched her wrist.

Immediately, Di Kongxuan opened his eyes, a look of confusion flashed across his red pupils, he stared at the girl in front of him, stunned for a long time, and uttered two words: "Lady."

Duanmu Yifeng was in a mess, but he also realized that he might have entered the strange state after the poisonous hair again, so he called out tentatively: "Dabai?"

Di Kongxuan opened his arms, hugged her tightly, and shouted happily: "My lady!"

"Don't call me my wife!"

Duanmu intended to push him hard, but failed to push him away, but was hugged even tighter by him.

"Why, you are my wife." Di Kongxuan snorted, then turned his head, held her face in his hands, without saying a word, just smacked and kissed her on the mouth.

Duanmuyi's body froze instantly and was struck by lightning.

She didn't expect that just after Dabai woke up, she would be eaten tofu.

what's going on!
Duanmuyi grabbed his ear: "No nonsense!"

However, just when her finger was about to touch him, Di Kongxuan turned around and stopped her, stared at her dangerously, and said word by word: "Mine, lady!"

Duanmu wanted to cry but had no choice but to respond: "Okay, yours, yours."

"Lady, where are we?" Di Kongxuan asked.

Duanmu murmured: "How would I know, you brought it here."

"Then lady, where are we going?" Di Kongxuan asked again.

"Let's find the exit first. The Hull Empire can't stay anymore, the nearest one seems to be the Fenglan Empire, let's go to the Fenglan Empire.

I don't know where the other four elixir are. " Duanmuyi was helpless.

The two walked out of the forest, Di Kongxuan looked around and frowned slightly: "It seems..."

"So what?" Duanmuyi said helplessly.

Di Kongxuan turned his head to look at her, without saying a word, his red-gold eyes showed a slightly wronged look, as if he was accusing Duanmuyi of being impatient.

Wait... Wronged?
Duanmuyi shook his head, reminding himself to keep fresh.

This guy, how could he feel wronged!
"My fault, tell me, what's wrong?" Duanmuyi finally compromised.

She swears that when Di Kongxuan wakes up this time, she must sever ties with him.

When she is sober, she is not treated as a human being, and when she is happy, she is touched twice, and when she is unhappy, she is kicked away regardless of life and death; after her personality is reversed, she even uses this expression to challenge her ability to bear!

But this time, for the sake of him saving her again, she endured it.

Di Kongxuan looked in one direction and said, "Someone seems to be coming."

"Oh?" Duanmuyi grabbed the ground with one hand, his spiritual power jumped, and the weeds all over the mountains and plains suddenly began to sway, sending her a message.

She raised her head solemnly: "Sure enough, the ones who came were all masters."

"You will protect me, right?" Di Kongxuan turned around and hid behind her.

Duanmu said with a black line: "Brother, you are stronger than me."

"You are my wife."

"Huh?" Duanmuyi was angry and funny, "No, if I were your wife, shouldn't you protect me even more?"

Di Kongxuan was at a loss for a moment: "Is that so?"

Duanmuyi smiled and said: "I will send you to die, and I will come to enjoy the blessings. It is such a happy decision."

But Di Kongxuan grabbed her hand and rubbed it on his cheek, his posture was more standard than the coquettish ear fox: "No, I want to live and die with my lady."

(End of this chapter)

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