Chapter 1360

When everyone heard the words, they all gathered around.

There is a reason why these celebrities gave Xin Xuerou face so much.

With the power of one person, Xin Xuerou made the flowers of the entire plum garden bloom regardless of the seasons. This kind of ability is like a fairy in their eyes.

At this time, they also found the girl standing behind Xin Xuerou, wasn't she the one Zhao Bijin pulled all the way to her just now?

Could she be the new rich man in the Windy City?
Xin Xuerou stretched out her hand, pulled Duanmuyi to her side, and glanced at her.

Seeing that she was still smiling lightly, and she didn't show any panic at all, this made her a little dissatisfied.

So, Xin Xuerou said: "This one, everyone should be unfamiliar, right?"

"Could it be someone's new daughter?" one person asked.

Xin Xuerou smiled: "What kind of daughter, she has a lot of background.

Don't you know the Southern Marquis of Fengcheng Town?

Today, a new guest came to Lord Hou's house, and she is the guest's maid. "

The maid of Lord Hou's guest, in the eyes of all the ladies, is as inconspicuous as a grain of sand falling on the ground.

They really don't understand how such a person is qualified to enter the Plum Garden and participate in the Gathering.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Xin Xuerou say: "This girl is amazing, her master is fascinated by her right now, even Prince Chuan of the Hull Empire next door followed her all the way to Fengcheng.

I heard that at this moment, the third son of Zhennanhou's Mansion is also chasing her and stalking her. "

At this moment, everyone understood.

Dare to feel that this girl is a vixen who attracts bees and butterflies?
However, her taste is too bad, right?

One of them chuckled lightly and said, "I heard that Prince Nachuan has an eighth wife. She has a fat head, big ears, and an unshaven beard. It's simply unsightly."

Another person also said: "The third son of the Hou's mansion is even more amazing. Is there any maid in his yard who hasn't been insulted by him?"

The bystanders laughed one after another, and looked at Duanmuyi even more unkindly.

There was a smell—so she liked this kind of disgusting man.

The empress of the Fenglan Empire has succeeded several others, which has created the current atmosphere of serious feminist ideology.

In the big cities of the Fenglan Empire, most of the boudoir women choose their husbands and sons-in-law, men do not have the right to choose their wives.

Because of this, all these famous ladies are picky to the bottom of their hearts.

Now that Duanmuyi was said by Xin Xuerou, he naturally became the object of contempt by everyone.

Duanmuyi leaned aside, still smiling.

She saw the group of women chattering like they were watching a play.

Zhao Bijin suddenly reached out her hand and pushed her: "Get out! Don't tarnish the land of our plum garden here!"

She stood sideways, and the people around her moved a foot away from her, as if they were avoiding the plague.

Duanmuyi suddenly burst into a stunning smile.

She raised her eyes and looked at Xin Xuerou: "I'm afraid you don't know that the master who is fascinated by me is just Miss Rou's dream lover."

Xin Xuerou knew that she would bring this matter up, but she did not rush and smiled.

Beside, someone sneered and said: "Miss Rou is beautiful and beautiful, she doesn't even look at so many good men chasing after her and wanting to marry her.

Even if she really fell in love with some young master, she would definitely not be as shameless as you! "

"Yes, shameless!" The women echoed.

Xin Xuerou smiled, and without a word, a group of people spoke for her, this feeling is naturally excellent.

(End of this chapter)

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