kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 138 Being Framed!

Chapter 138 Being Framed!

"I didn't expect this kind of person to be despicable enough to play such a trick."

"You see 'he' doesn't feel guilty at all! He's really thick-skinned."

"Yeah, you don't know yet, this little boy has a backstage."

The corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth curled up slightly. She never paid attention to this kind of clown. It's not that she has never experienced the scene of making things worse.

"Hey, be careful what you say. There is no conclusive evidence to prove that Bai Jiujiu did it. If you say this, 'he' can sue you for defamation at any time." Miao Shuang spoke out, standing up for Bai Jiujiu.

This made Bai Jiujiu a little surprised. You must know that Miao Shuang hated her so much before, but now, she actually speaks for her?

At this time, someone pushed the door and entered. It was Tang Yijuan, who apparently also overheard their quarrel at the door just now.

"Miao Shuang is right, you can't frame a good person without evidence!" Tang Yijuan just finished speaking, and looked at Bai Jiujiu with an extremely complicated expression, "But if there is evidence, Bai Jiujiu, should you apologize to all of us? ?”

When Bai Jiujiu heard Tang Yijuan say it in such a distant tone, she frowned slightly. She obviously felt a sense of hostility, but why did Tang Yijuan feel hostility towards her?
The discussion that had just settled down began again.

"It's really interesting to see this group."

"Yes, it seems that there is internal strife."

"Shh, we just need to be a spectator who eats melon seeds."

Bai Jiujiu looked at Tang Yijuan, as if he could feel the anger hidden in her eyes. Is she angry?Why?
Not only Bai Jiujiu was puzzled, even Miao Shuang was also puzzled, what happened to Miao Shuang, isn't he usually the most supportive of Bai Jiujiu?
Why at this moment she had the illusion that Tang Yijuan was looking for trouble for Bai Jiujiu?
"I won't apologize for things I haven't done." Bai Jiujiu said seriously.

Tang Yijuan's complexion was not good, she just looked at Bai Jiujiu with her lips tightly pressed, it could be seen that she seemed to be holding back.

Bai Jiujiu was suspicious, what happened to Tang Yijuan?it's wired!
Miao Shuang, who was sitting beside her, couldn't help but said, "Jiujiu, what did you do to provoke Tang Yijuan?"

Bai Jiujiu looked puzzled, "You spent the longest time with her today, you don't even know, and it's even more impossible for me to know."

At this moment, Li Chuzhen pushed the door open, holding a folder in her hand, her brows were tightly furrowed, her face was covered with dark clouds, and she was extremely serious.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet and dignified. It seems that the nickname Li Motou is not just talking about it out of thin air.

"The results of the investigation have come out. Bai Jiujiu's votes were indeed swiped. Although there is no direct evidence to prove that Bai Jiujiu swiped the votes himself,

But such foul behavior is not allowed to exist, so the company discussed with me and made the following decision..."

Li Chuzhen looked at Bai Jiujiu with a complicated expression, and then slowly continued: "Bai Jiujiu's ranking in this assessment is invalid, and he will be discarded if the circumstances are serious!

Then it was recorded as No.10 by Tang Yijuan, who ranked [-]th. "

When Tang Yijuan heard the result, there was no surprise on her face, as if she had expected such a result a long time ago.

When Bai Jiujiu heard the announcement of the result, he felt as if he had been hit by a huge bell, his mentality suddenly collapsed, and he was completely stunned!
How... how could this be?
"No! Sister Li, you can't do this! You have no evidence to prove that I did it. Someone must have framed me!"

(End of this chapter)

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