Chapter 1398

"You, you are, you are the young master Kongxuan back then?"


Elder Zhuyin murmured: "You used to have such an appearance back then, but now it has not changed at all... With this level of cultivation, could it be that you are already—"

There was a smile in Dikongxuan's eyes, but a strange color crossed his eyes.

Elder Zhuyin saw it and immediately stopped talking.

Hu Yuexi didn't have the time to listen to them doing Tai Chi, her gaze had already fallen on the lotus in mid-air: "Grandfather, what is this?"

"The birth of the holy lotus is auspicious." Elder Zhuyin said, "Xiaoxi, you must keep in mind your grandfather's words. If you follow her in the future, you will surely achieve great things."

Hu Yuexi made a grimace: "I want to do something big, I just want to go out for a walk, and come back to accompany grandpa when I've had enough fun."

Elder Zhuyin chuckled: "The old man doesn't have a good life, why do you want a yellow-haired girl to accompany you?
You, find a like-minded man in the clan as soon as possible to marry, and continue the pure blood of the monster clan. "

While speaking, the mist lotus in the air suddenly turned into a stream of light and fell back into the house.

Almost at the same time, Elder Zhuyin protected Hu Yuexi and retreated, while Di Kongxuan even waved his sleeves and let out a soft force, pushing all the Yaozu people around him behind him.

In the blink of an eye, the wooden house exploded, a figure soared into the sky, and three thousand black threads floated without wind, intertwined and intertwined, forming an exquisite picture scroll.

Dikong Xuanfei stepped forward and caught her in mid-air.

Duanmuyi leaned in front of him, blinked, and said: "The power of my exit this time seems a bit strong..."

"..." Di Kongxuan felt that she was really ruining the atmosphere, but he also echoed, "You are so humble, not only a little big."

Duanmuyi looked down at the messy yard, then looked at the Yaozu clansmen with dull eyes all around, touched his nose at last, and said solemnly: "Seeing that the new year is almost here, let's say goodbye to the old and welcome the new."

Elder Zhuyin coughed dryly twice, and led Hu Yuexi forward.

When Duanmuyi saw him, he guessed his identity immediately, and immediately called out politely: "Young Duanmuyi, I have met the elder."

"Hehe, you are of the same generation as Xiaoxi, so you can just call me Grandpa." Elder Zhuyin smiled very kindly, "The aura breaks through the body and condenses the holy lotus, which shows that your soul power is also surprisingly strong."

Duanmuyi asked in a daze, "Shenglian?"

Hu Yuexi hurriedly told what happened just now, and Duanmuyi realized that such a miracle had happened when he was running Zhoutian at the end.

"Girl, do you want to become a pharmacist?" Elder Zhuyin approached mysteriously and asked.

Duanmuyi glanced at Dikongxuan, and said with a smile: "That's exactly what I mean."

Elder Zhuyin was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You really have such an idea? Do you know that becoming a pharmacist requires a lot of hardships, which is thousands of times more difficult than being a cultivator."

"Not only do I want to become a pharmacist, I also want to become a pharmacist with spiritual fire." Duanmuyi smiled lightly.

After hearing Duanmuyi's words, Elder Zhuyin sighed, "Aspiring, you are indeed a young man."

After he finished feeling, he turned around and saw that he was playing with a clansman who was half-deer and half-human, and he was so angry that he stepped forward and grabbed her ears.

"Ah—grandfather elder, it hurts!"

Elder Zhuyin reprimanded: "I know how to play all day long. Look at your cousin, who is not a few years older than you. How can she be so sensible?"

(End of this chapter)

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