Chapter 1406

She has traveled all over the world and has seen many war scenes.

All wars have the same result, the people suffer.

"Let's go, let's talk about entering the city." Duanmuyi said.

The three of them walked towards the gate of the city. During the war, the city gate at the border gate was inspected strictly. The three of them searched it in turns before letting them go.

Di Kongxuan's eyes swept over the defenders, and landed on the table beside him.

A roll of white paper was placed on it, and a middle-aged man in a blue robe was sitting behind the table drinking.

"Brother Di?" He Erchuan took two steps, seeing that Di Kongxuan hadn't moved, asked suspiciously.

Duanmuyi also turned his eyes to look over, never thought that Dikongxuan would suddenly step forward, put her head in his arms, and walked forward just like that.

"What are you doing!" Duanmuyi froze for a moment, then pushed him away forcefully.

The movement here caught the attention of the man in the blue robe. He looked up, his eyes fell on Duanmuyi's face, he immediately put down the jug, and asked, "What are you arguing about?"

"Lord Ling is calling you, stop!" The captain of the city guard immediately asked people to come forward and stop them.

Duanmuyi frowned slightly, glanced at Dikongxuan, and probably knew what he had discovered just now, so he made that move.

It's just that she still has a grudge in her heart, and she feels very disgusted with his touch.

Di Kongxuan didn't say anything more, turned his head to look at the man in blue robe, and asked calmly, "What's the matter?"

"I see you acting strangely, don't be the spies of Ross Mad Dog." The man in blue waved his hand and said, "Take them away, I will interrogate you carefully."

He Erchuan frowned, and was about to reveal his identity.

Duanmu Yi has already stepped forward, and said with a smile: "We need evidence to talk about our spies.

My lord, I am the adoptive daughter of Marquis Nan of the Fenglan Empire. "

The man in blue raised his eyebrows slightly, seeing that she had taken out the token of Zhennanhou's mansion, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he immediately smiled: "Ah, it turns out that she is the adopted daughter of Zhennanhou, how offending, please. "

After entering the city, He Erchuan glanced back and asked doubtfully, "How can a righteous daughter of Lord Marquis have such a big face?"

"The two countries are at war, and a small official like him has the guts to offend the powerful Marquis of the third country?" Duanmuyi laughed, "What's more, he didn't let us go so easily."

He Erchuan glanced back, and sure enough, there were two men in casual clothes hanging far behind them.

"Why did you target us in the first place?" He Erchuan asked.

Di Kongxuan suddenly said: "It's not us, it's her."

Duanmuyi was stunned, remembered something, and said, "Could it be the Duanmu family?"

Di Kongxuan hummed, and said again: "There is a blank sheet of paper on the table, it should be your portrait."

The Duanmu family has a good relationship with the governor of Yuandong. I heard that the governor is in charge of several big cities in the border area. Now it seems that the Duanmu family must have given her the portrait. If she is not arrested, she will not stop.

"Mrs. Peony, what kind of enmity do you have with the Duanmu family?" He Erchuan wasn't there when he grabbed the bones by the stream, so he didn't know that Duanmuyi was from the Duanmu family.

"You just said that the Ross Empire is a mad dog, so the Duanmu family is probably the mad dog of the Spirit Race." Duanmu smiled sarcastically.

He Erchuan said solemnly: "I'll fix a book right away, and let all my guards rush over."

(End of this chapter)

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