Chapter 1408

"There's nothing wrong with you. You are a high-ranking and powerful man who is respected by everyone. Who can say that you are wrong?" Duanmuyi sneered, "I was the one who was wrong."

"Don't talk to me in such a tone!" Di Kongxuan clenched his fingers tightly.

Duanmuyi's arm was painfully pinched by him, but she just frowned slightly, and then laughed softly: "Master Di always likes to order people."

Di Kongxuan felt that her smile was an eyesore.

If it was Xin Ruqing from before, how could she be so stubborn!How could you be stubborn with him!

"You weren't like this before." He gritted his teeth.

"Do you know what I was like before?" Duanmuyi sneered, "What environment did I grow up in, who did I meet, what happened to me, what kind of personality was I, do you all know? "

She was sent to the secret agent island for training at the age of four. She made her debut ten years later, and spent ten years in the killer world. At the age of 24, she failed in a mission and came back here. Who did Di Kongxuan think he knew?
Duanmu meaning?Or her Xiaoyi?
Di Kongxuan said sharply: "Of course I know! You are Xin Ruqing!"

Duanmuyi's blood turned cold in an instant.

She looked at Di Kongxuan and felt irony like never before - she thought she was just being treated as Xin Ruqing's substitute, but she didn't expect that this man actually regarded her as Xin Ruqing? !

"I thought you were just stupid, but I didn't expect you to be blind." Duan Muyi swung his hand away forcefully, took two steps back, "Get out, I don't want to see you."

Di Kongxuan's eyes were red, and he slowly approached her.

Slowly, he raised a smile, which was different from the flamboyant and wanton ones at any time, it was a contemptuous smile.

"I know you don't remember me, but it doesn't matter, you just need to remember that you are my Emperor Kongxuan's woman, in the previous life, in this life, and in the next life!"

"You are dreaming!"

Duanmuyi turned his palm over, and the weeds grew wildly everywhere, becoming thicker and longer, entwining Dikongxuan's feet.

Then she slapped her palm, and her spiritual power surged to the sky, hitting him in the chest.

Di Kongxuan crossed his arms to block him, turned over and stood up, his ghostly figure was at Duanmuyi's side in the blink of an eye.

He punched Duanmuyi on the shoulder.

Sinking his shoulders and twisting his hips, Duanmuyi almost completed a set of difficult dodging movements in the blink of an eye, and walked around behind Dikongxuan.

She stretched out her hand, turned her palm into a claw, and stretched towards Dikongxuan's neck.

Di Kongxuan's breath was all over his body, and he took half a step back. With a shake of his left hand, he grabbed Duan Muyi's arm, and immediately pulled her into his arms with his right hand.

The two turned around and both fell to the ground.

Duanmuyi's back was in pain from the blow, but she still refused to admit defeat. Her palm turned into a knife and slashed towards his neck.

"Enough!" Dikong Xuan shouted angrily, and pressed her hands to the ground.

He looked down at her, like a god above the nine heavens, with the aura of domineering the world, his eyes were cold and cold, like cold clouds that had been turbulent in the Milky Way for many years.

Such impeccable facial features are like a fairy in a picture scroll.

But the goblin doesn't have such noble and incomparable temperament as him, as if everything in the world must be controlled by him.

Duanmuyi was an exception, so he got angry.

In his opinion, Duanmuyi is the reincarnation of Xin Ruqing, so it should be Xin Ruqing's character.

A gentle, cuddly bird, willing to follow behind him and play tricks, a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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