kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 141 You Are Really Thick-skinned

Chapter 141 You Are Really Thick-skinned
Within a few seconds, Lan Feiang picked it up and went back to work silently.

Grandpa is magnanimous and does not compete with villains for strengths.


Bai Jiujiu tried to communicate with Li Chuzhen several times but was blocked by someone, and he didn't even meet him face to face. How could he persuade her?
Bai Jiujiu waited honestly outside until the get out of class was over. When he saw Li Chuzhen walking out of the training room, he stepped forward to stop Li Chuzhen and immediately said: "Sister Li, listen to me, I really didn't swipe the ticket. I am the innocent Sister Li. You You must trust me."

"You've been waiting for me for so long to tell me this?" Li Chuzhen pushed up her glasses, her eyes were extremely stern.

"I..." Bai Jiujiu could only bite the bullet and say, "Sister Li, you have to trust me."

"Bai Jiujiu, I gave you a chance just now, but your performance disappointed me too much. You waited for me for so long and wasted so much time just to say this sentence.

Even if it's not you, you can't change the fact that the votes are swiped, so is it meaningful to entangle this issue? "

Li Chuzhen probably felt that what she just said was too harsh, so she immediately said: "Come to me tomorrow when you have made up your mind. This is your last chance."

Among the ten trainees, many were gloating and optimistic about the drama, and many were sneering at it.

"Look, Bai Jiujiu has really thick skin."

"Yeah, I didn't expect 'he' to pester Sister Li all the time."

"How embarrassing, do you think Sister Li will 'sneak' him?"

"I think it's very possible, maybe Bai Jiujiu is a veteran in love, you haven't seen 'him' Zhang Junxiu's handsome face, he's so masculine and feminine, maybe the famous brand he is wearing today was given by someone who took care of him. "


Everyone, you say what I say, and what you say is becoming more and more explicit, and it is becoming more and more ugly.

When Miao Shuang saw that those words were gradually getting a bit unpleasant, she immediately said: "Enough! You all know how Bai Jiujiu's acting skills are!"

In fact, Bai Jiujiu was used to facing everyone's gossip, but what surprised Bai Jiujiu was that this was the second time Miao Shuang spoke for 'him', which made 'him' a little uncomfortable for a while.

"What's the use of 'his' acting skills? Sister Li once said that the most important thing in the entertainment industry is good character, in order to perform more exciting movies for everyone to enjoy. Does 'he' have character?"

Miao Shuang couldn't help frowning when she heard Tang Yijuan's sly and accusatory words.

Why is Tang Yijuan so wrong today, fighting against Bai Jiujiu everywhere.

Miao Shuang couldn't help feeling aggrieved for Bai Jiujiu, "Don't you Tang Yijuan support Bai Jiujiu the most?

Why is it that 'he' is in trouble now and you don't help 'him'?
Still want to bite 'him'?'He' helped you a lot during training! "

"Really?" Tang Yijuan cast a sideways glance at Bai Jiujiu, pointed at Bai Jiujiu's face, "I was blind, I didn't know people well at the time, Bai Jiujiu, you are a complete hypocrite!"

Bai Jiujiu remained silent, 'he' didn't understand why Tang Yijuan's attitude towards 'him' changed so quickly, there was something in what he said, but something else was meant, it was really abnormal.

Miao Shuang frowned, "Tang Yijuan, what are you talking about!"

Tang Yijuan looked at the two of them coldly, "You two know what I said!"

Bai Jiujiu and Miao Shuang's hearts skipped a beat at the same time, she knew it!

The two looked at each other very tacitly.

Tang Yijuan lowered her eyes, said nothing, and left directly.

A few viewers who don't know the truth and eat melons have come to a conclusion through gossip.

(End of this chapter)

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