Chapter 1410


Outside an unremarkable house in the border town, someone knocked on the door.

After the door opened, the man walked in, lifted the bamboo hat, and walked quickly to the backyard: "Cousin!"

Duanmuyi happened to be practicing kung fu in the yard, and was controlling an old pagoda tree. Hearing this, he turned his head and saw that the branches of the pagoda tree seemed to have life, and rolled towards the person who came.

Hu Yuexi let out a soft drink, turned over and got up, passed dangerously through the gaps in the branches, and landed behind Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi withdrew his palm energy, and the old locust tree stood quietly in the yard again.

Hu Yuexi patted her chest, and said: "Cousin, you know it's me, but you still let this locust tree torment me like this."

"Is this called torturing you?" Duanmu raised his eyebrows, "Elder Zhuyin said that even if you leave the Yaozu, you can't let go of your cultivation for a day. Don't think that you can be lazy by my side."

Hu Yuexi made a grimace, and said sullenly, "I know."

"It came later than expected." Duanmuyi said.

Hu Yuexi hurriedly said: "I met people from the Duanmu family on the road. I was afraid that they would notice the evil spirit in me, so I would follow them far away, and dare not walk too fast."

Duanmuyi narrowed his eyes instantly, and said coldly, "A member of the Duanmu family?"

"Yes, they also came to this city." Hu Yuexi said, "I followed them all the way, and finally found a leader who walked into the Governor's Mansion, so I came to see you."

Duanmuyi lowered his eyes, rubbed his fingers, and raised the corners of his lips, showing a sneering arc: "It seems that the Duanmu family and the governor of Yuandong have many intersections."

"Then what to do, because of the rules, we can't do anything to ordinary people in the human world. If the Duanmu family borrows the governor's soldiers and horses to encircle you, no matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to hide from it?" Hu Yuexi asked worriedly.

"Why do you want to hide?" Duanmu Yi's eyes were cold and stern, like ice frozen for a thousand years, "The governor of Yuandong also has a share of the blame for killing my parents and younger brother.

Even if he doesn't come to me, I will.Blood feud, of course, must be washed away with blood. "

Hu Yuexi was surprised and said: "What, Uncle's death has something to do with Governor Yuandong?"

Duanmuyi raised his head, looked at the gray sky above his head, and said: "Governor Yuandong asked to marry my mother, but my mother refused to obey, so the Duanmu family resorted to threatening her with her father and younger brother, and they all died.

As for me, I was taken away by Duanmu Xiaoxiao, who tried his best to humiliate me.

It's just that they have calculated thousands of times, and they can't count my life as big as my life, and I won't die if I fall into the Dan River. "

Those who have experienced life and death have already disregarded life and death.

Such people will only be more terrifying if they take revenge.

Because nothing could threaten her anymore.

"Peony!" He Erchuan's loud voice came from outside the yard, he called twice, then opened the door and came in, saw Hu Yuexi, and was taken aback, "Huh?"

Hu Yuexi also looked at him and blinked: "Cousin, who is this person?"

He Erchuan stepped forward, coughed, and saluted: "He Erchuan, the prince of the Lower Hull Empire, I wonder if this beautiful girl is—"

"Am I beautiful?" Hu Yuexi obviously couldn't grasp the point, and said happily, "Am I beautiful or my cousin?"

He Erchuan immediately said seriously: "Of course this king's wife is the most beautiful."

Hu Yuexi's eyes widened: "What? Husband, madam? Cousin, aren't you Hedi..."

(End of this chapter)

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