Chapter 1417

Xin Xuerou looked around and said, "I don't think this place is too far from the ferocious beast's lair, Zhang'e Mountain is rich in jade, which can be used as a vessel to gather spiritual power.

There must be a lot of jade in the beast's lair, and everyone will take as much as they have. "

"Take out the jade from Zhang'e Mountain, but you can buy a good price in the auction house." Lan Xiangzhi laughed.

Xin Xuerou nodded to ten people and said, "You and me—who are you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, several strands of spiritual power had already fallen in the direction of Duanmu's intention.

However, Duanmuyi was faster than them, and appeared above them with a maneuver.

With her appearance, the weeds began to grow wildly everywhere, the branches criss-crossed above the head, and countless vines pierced through the gaps in the branches like sharp arrows, and almost in the blink of an eye, it became a natural cage.

"What kind of exercise is this!" Lan Xiangzhi turned pale with shock, "Why is it so similar to the Pavilion Master's?!"

Xin Xuerou raised her eyes to look at the people in the air, her expression was cold, the palm of her hand shone with light, and a strong fragrance of flowers spread out.

The scent of flowers permeated the air, and as soon as it came into contact with the surrounding natural cages, there was a hissing sound, and those cages had begun to melt slowly.

Everyone in Sihua Pavilion burst into laughter.

"Sister Lan Xiangzhi, you are making too much of a fuss. I think this is just another clown who came to imitate our pavilion master." One person said, "The pavilion master's skills are handed down from generation to generation, and no one can compare them."

Lan Xiangzhi also relaxed a little: "I was wrong."

Xin Xuerou looked at Duanmuyi with disdain, as if looking at an ant.

However, the next moment, Duanmuyi had already closed his eyes.

At this moment, Xin Xuerou's complexion changed drastically.

A majestic soul force spread out from between the eyebrows of the man in midair, covering the world almost in the blink of an eye.

Duanmuyi's soul power was much higher than her own cultivation base. At the same time, some of Sihuage's subordinates had already experienced dizziness.

But this was not the reason for Xin Xuerou's face to change.

From this soul power, she felt a familiar breath.

"Impossible..." Xin Xuerou looked at the people in midair, they obviously had completely different faces and completely different personalities, but at this moment, the figures of those two people overlapped in front of her eyes.

She gritted her teeth, and suddenly made a finger, and a huge peony flower phantom appeared behind her.

The peony flower petals spread out and turned into countless sharp knives, piercing through the natural cage in an instant, and heading towards Duanmuyi overwhelmingly.

Duanmuyi stretched out her arms and flew back, a red shadow descended from the sky and landed in front of her.

The hero waved his long sleeves, and the crimson light and shadow descended like a sky, blocking those petals from the outside.

"It's the emperor!" Lan Xiangzhi covered her lips and said.

Xin Xuerou looked at the two standing side by side in mid-air, and felt a sting in her eyes.

Why, why did they walk hand in hand 200 years ago!

She can only be a considerate bystander and bless them; 200 years later, she thought she had finally taken the lead, but looking back, it was still the same result!
She clenched her fist slowly, with a crazy killing intent in her eyes.

Duanmuyi, no matter who you are, whether you are her reincarnation, in this life, I will not allow you to take him away from me again!
Xin Xuerou raised her hand, stopped the Sihua Pavilion people who were about to move behind her, and immediately flew up, looked at the opposite person, and smiled coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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