Chapter 1428

He flew forward, kicked the left guardian to the side casually, then raised his hand to pinch Di Kongxuan's wrist, and a force of space passed into his body along the veins of his wrist.

"Wake up!" Jiang Su shouted coldly.

Di Kongxuan's pupils were red gold, and the purple-gold spiritual power all over his body burned like a flame.

He stared at the direction where Duanmuyi was taken away, his breathing was short and his muscles tensed.

After a while, the fluctuation of his spiritual power gradually calmed down, the red gold in his eyes did not retreat, but the purple-gold arrogance was withdrawn from his body.

Jiang Yi heaved a sigh of relief, and seeing that he was still awake, he turned his head and glanced at Guardian Zuo who was almost completely abused by Di Kongxuan.

At this moment, Guardian Zuo couldn't see the slightest human appearance. He said that he was desperately holding Di Kongxuan, but he was really desperate. At this moment, only the breath was left, not the breath.

Jiang suspected that he was bound by the clan rules and could not kill people, but he did not intend to let the Zuo protector go.

He raised his hand, and an invisible ripple overflowed, encircling the forehead of the left guardian.

After a while, there was an almost invisible ripple of water color, but it was a restriction, suppressing all the thinking and cultivation of Guardian Zuo.

At this time, Guardian Zuo seemed to be a puppet.

Di Kongxuan said coldly: "He must die."

"What's the use of killing him?" Jiang Sui turned his head and threw a bottle of medicine over, and said calmly, "You adjust your breath first, and I'll restore the space of the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Domain before I tell you."

Di Kongxuan took the medicine, knowing that the toxins in his body had begun to wreak havoc, and there was no power of Danhe to rely on, so he could only step aside as he said, and swallowed the special pill that contained a trace of the power of Danhe.

When the pill enters the body, it is like a bomb explodes in the body.

Every healing is a rebirth.

He needs to rely on the domineering power of Danhe's power to deal with the strange poison in his body.

Only in this way can a balance be found between the two.

And this process can be called the rebirth of the ashes.

Duanmuyi was once thrown into the Dan River for a hundred days, shaping a brand new her.

But for the past 200 years, Di Kongxuan had to go through this kind of pain every year in order to become a strong man with the power of the god transformation stage.

Just when Di Kongxuan had endured the most painful process, Jiang Xin had already restored the space of the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm.

He turned his head to look at Di Kongxuan's body, guessing that it was about the same time, and then he made a mark, and invisible ripples enveloped Dikongxuan like a flowing cloud.

After a while, Di Kongxuan opened his eyes, the red gold in his eyes also faded, and his breath was restrained like an ordinary person.

Jiang Xin sat down beside him, took out two altars of wine from the spirit ring and put them in front of him.

He said lightly: "You should know that once the seal is broken, the poison will be more serious.

It will be even more difficult to suppress the toxins in your body in the future. "

"I know."

"You should know that this poison is deeply ingrained. It took us 200 years to finally control it. Once today is over, all previous efforts will be wasted."

"I know."

"Then you should also know that if you don't get rid of this poison, you will never be able to truly reach the stage of transforming gods. There is no cultivation base in the stage of transforming gods, but you can't go to a wider space and go further."

"I know too."

Jiang Su smiled.

He smiled coldly.

"You know everything, you know everything, but you still did it." He slapped the lid off the wine jar and threw it into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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