kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 143 Hey, I Don't Know What To Say

Chapter 143 Hey, I Don't Know What To Say
Bai Jiujiu patted his cheek lightly, quickly withdrew his mind and put on the right path, Sister Li was still waiting for her to conquer!

When Bai Jiujiu came back to his senses, there was an extra hand on his forehead, which was warm and powerful.

"Have a fever?"

"No, no!" Bai Jiujiu leaned back slightly in embarrassment.

"If not, don't look so lost. Those who don't know think you've been raped!" Lu Sichen withdrew his hand, and didn't care about 'his' resistance.

"You were raped!" Bai Jiujiu replied angrily!
The corners of Lu Sichen's mouth curled up slightly, "He's recovered well, so he should be full of vigor..."

Bai Jiujiu was startled, uncle, are you trying to comfort her?
"Don't be lifeless, even the air is polluted by you."

"..." Bai Jiujiu's affection for Lu Sichen, which had just risen in his heart, was also destroyed by his words.

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but cast a blank look at Lu Sichen, he would die if he didn't speak harshly!

She looks so good-looking, why can't she be as gentle and considerate as the prince in the fairy tale?empathetic?
In fact, the type of man that Bai Jiujiu likes in his heart is the man's personality that he is imitating now.

For ladies and gentlemen, personable, handsome, good-tempered, humorous, and talented...

All in all, his character was totally different from that of Lu Sichen in front of him.

It's not her style at all, her favorite type.

For some reason, Lu Sichen especially liked to see Bai Jiujiu angry.

"Have you persuaded Li Chuzhen?" Lu Sichen said at the right time.

Bai Jiujiu shook his head, "No, Sister Li told me to give me a chance to meet her tomorrow and think about what to say to her.

But besides explaining to her, what else do I have to say?Why should I think clearly? "

Bai Jiujiu has been worrying about this question for a long time, and when he saw Lu Sichen asking, he habitually spoke out what was on his mind.

"You said that if I see her again tomorrow, what should I tell her so that she will forgive me?"

"Want to know?" Lu Sichen raised his eyebrows.

Bai Jiujiu's eyes sparkled, and he nodded abruptly. Lu Sichen held a high position in her heart, and it seemed that there was nothing he couldn't settle.

This looks... such a cute rabbit.

Lu Sichen couldn't help stretching out his hand, playing with Bai Jiujiu's hair with his fingers.

Lu Sichen liked Bai Jiujiu's hair very much, it felt so soft, soft and fragrant.

If you have long hair, it will be easier to touch.

The corners of Bai Jiujiu's mouth twitched twice.

This is... Treating her as a pet again, right?

She endured for the answer!

Lu Sichen withdrew his hand, seeing him speak for a long time, Bai Jiujiu held his breath, looked at him very seriously, with an air of teaching, waiting for Lu Sichen's answer.

"Okay, I've kissed you, you can tell me now!"

"It's actually very simple, as long as you can grasp what Li Chuzhen wants..."

Bai Jiujiu felt reasonable, nodded and waited for the next words, but there was no sound.

"... gone?" That's it?Saying is tantamount to not saying!

"You get what you pay for." Lu Sichen.

Profiteer! - Bare-naked-naked profiteers!
Take it easy, take it easy, Bai Jiujiu, a man like Lu Sichen, but you can't afford it, and it's not suitable for you!

I met Lu Sichen by chance, and I have kindness to you. Now you are just repaying your kindness. At least everything just did not touch the bottom line, so it is still acceptable.

But Bai Jiujiu didn't know, if he was caught in a relationship, wouldn't he be so sane to treat them differently?
"You can always tell me now!"

"It's actually very simple. Compared with your explanation, Li Chuzhen cares more about your attitude towards acting. She values ​​acting more than anything else. She doesn't want to hear your explanation because she believes in your character.

What she hopes more is that you can focus on more works and perform more exciting characters, which is much better than simply apologizing. "

Under Lu Sichen's guidance, Bai Jiujiu suddenly became enlightened. It turned out that this is the case. No wonder Li Jie said that about her at that time.

"I didn't expect you to know Sister Li very well."

Lu Sichen glanced lightly, Bai Jiujiu blindly worshiped his eyes, the corners of his mouth could not stop rising, and his mood was inexplicably comfortable.

This feeling has never been felt before.

It's not that no one has looked at him with this kind of eyes, on the contrary, there are many.

But just because this person is Bai Jiujiu, the whole feeling has changed completely.

He naturally knew Li Chuzhen very well, because he was the one who recruited Li Chuzhen for New World behind his back.

"I also know that she prefers children who are hardworking and persistent."

Bai Jiujiu pondered Lu Sichen's words carefully, "Perseverance? You mean I should go find her now?"

 PS: Baby, give me some strength, ticket, it’s only 350 to upgrade, if you don’t work hard, you will be abandoned by the editor 555555
(End of this chapter)

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