Chapter 1445

Master Ling glanced at her, and said, "The Duanmu family is one of the most powerful families in the Spirit Race, why haven't they taught the juniors the basic knowledge of cultivation?"

Duanmu Yi said: "I am not a descendant of the head of the family, and my father is a son of the Duanmu family, so naturally I am looked down upon by others."

"Joining?" Master Ling stroked his beard, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, "I vaguely remember that the third lady of Duanmu's family did recruit a husband, and it seems that she finally picked a scholar from the human world?"

Duanmuyi lowered his eyes and did not answer.

What a scholar, this is all her father's false identity.

In Yaozu, she knew the true identity of her father from Hu Yuexi, which was also the purest bloodline of Yaozu.

However, after the Yaozu suffered great changes, the members of the Yaozu were scattered and scattered, and the father and mother met by chance in the human world, and this was the love for life.

If the Duanmu family hadn't been so deceptive and forced her mother to remarry Naoshizi Yuandong governor, she would not have fallen into the unaccompanied situation today.

Thinking about it carefully, although the original owner of this body was poor when he was young, his parents were still there, and he had a lovely younger brother, so his life was considered happy and content.

How is it like now...

Wandering, looking for medicine, becoming stronger, there is only one ultimate goal, and that is revenge!
Master Ling didn't notice the change in Duanmuyi's expression, and said to himself: "The nine tribulation thunders you mentioned do exist, but that's after the transformation into a god."

"The stage of transforming gods, isn't it the end?"

"Of course not. The stage of transforming the gods just means that you can break through the shackles of the heavens, break the void, and go to another broader and more wonderful world." Master Ling said, "After the stage of transforming the gods, there is also a Mahayana stage. It is truly invincible, and it has only been one or two people for thousands of years."

It was the first time Duanmuyi heard of it.

In her opinion all along, it seems that Di Kongxuan's stage of transformation into a god is the most powerful.

But she forgot one thing, the reason why Di Kongxuan is powerful is because he is still in the dimension of the Cangyang Continent.

Here, the transformation stage is the end.

But on the way of a cultivator, the stage of transforming into a god is just a transit point.

In other words, a passport to the world of the truly strong.

She was very interested in the Mahayana period that Master Ling said, but she wisely didn't ask too much.

Asking so many questions at this time can easily distract your mind.

But after entering the Black Soul Mountain Range, all her mind must be focused on vigilance of her surroundings, and she must not be distracted.

What's more, she is still in the mid-Golden Core stage, and she hasn't even reached the Nascent Soul stage, so why bother to explore the unknown Mahayana stage?
Sure enough, Master Ling didn't say any more, just took the hand of the medicine attendant beside him and said, "Huo Mengxi, Yinque, you two don't need me to protect you?"

Huo Mengxi coldly said no, Yinque also shook her head with a smile.

Master Ling immediately pinched out the knuckles, his whole body was shaken, and a wave of heat rushed to his face.

Duanmuyi felt a warm current wandering around him, enveloping him like a wind circle.

The continuous heat on it made her feel a little sweaty.

Is this the energy of Tianhuo?
"Duanmi Peak is not too far from here, try to get there within three hours." Master Ling said, "My Skyfire can last up to three hours at most."

Duanmuyi had no objection, and immediately followed his footsteps and ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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