Chapter 1448

Therefore, his eyes darkened, and he launched an attack again.

Duanmuyi smiled instead.

If Huo Mengxi really stood far away and killed her with just spiritual power, then she really had no good way to deal with it.

Even though her soul power is powerful, it is her last life-saving hole card, and she will not use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Now that Huo Mengxi chose melee, would Duanmuyi be timid?
The Seven Treasure Blade was still suppressed in the spirit ring by a strange force. If there is no weapon, then there is no need for a weapon.

How could the killers of the past be afraid of the matter of snatching a white blade with bare hands.

Yinque originally thought that killing Duanmuyi was a surefire thing, but she didn't expect that she would survive such a long time in Huo Mengxi's hands!

This is simply not possible.

Anyone who is familiar with Huo Mengxi knows how difficult he is.

If it wasn't for his superb sword in the sleeve, with his cultivation at the peak of the Golden Core Late Stage, he would actually be on a tie with Yinque.

However, he has learned a strange skill, hiding the sword in his sleeve, no one will notice when he draws the sword, it can be said that he is elusive.

For so many years, the sword in the sleeve, which had never been defeated, was broken by Duanmuyi?

Yes, broken.

Huo Mengxi's face became more and more ugly, and he could no longer care about hiding the sword in his sleeve.

Because he gradually discovered that every time he wanted to strike a sword, Duanmuyi would fight back.

It was Duanmuyi's counterattack that made him feel even more uncomfortable.

Because Duanmuyi can't use spiritual power, she uses soul attack.

In terms of soul power, Huo Mengxi is far inferior to her. Every time she finds a space, Huo Mengxi's mind will tingle.

This will not work.

Huo Mengxi gritted his teeth. He had to distance himself, but he didn't believe it. With his cultivation at the peak of the late Golden Core, he still couldn't deal with a girl in the middle Golden Core!

Duanmuyi could block his attack, but if he wanted to retreat, Duanmuyi really couldn't stop him.

Just as Huo Mengxi thought in his heart, Duanmuyi really didn't dare to compete with him in spiritual power.

Even if she was required to fight with her soul power, she might not even have the chance to release her soul power under the attack of a late Jindan peak powerhouse.

affix it!

Duanmuyi chose to follow closely.

But not enough.

Huo Mengxi wanted to retreat, but he did so easily.

Soon, he took a suitable position, turned his head, saw an unsightly guy standing next to him, and threw out a wave of spiritual power: "Go away!"

The medicine waiter was waved away by him with a blank face, and bumped towards Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth—why does this guy's expression look so much like the Great White Emperor Kongxuan after being poisoned?

Huo Mengxi didn't intend to send the medicine waiter flying in that direction. He didn't know if he didn't control his strength well, or the direction was off.

He retreated again, to another place he was satisfied with, and finally Duanmuyi could be seen in his vision, and he was stunned for a moment.

This distance is a bit far.

The range that spiritual power can attack is limited. Duan Muyi was knocked to the ground by the medicine attendant, and even rolled away a certain distance.

Huo Mengxi cursed secretly, and looked at Yinque: "Aren't you going to do it yet!"

Yinque folded his arms around his chest, stood aside, and said innocently: "Why should I do it?

She is the leader of the alliance. If you want to kill her, I can't stop you, but I dare not go against the leader. "

(End of this chapter)

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