Chapter 1481

Now the area covered by her soul power is already extremely large, and there are few places she cannot detect, but this manor is even bigger than what she can perceive!

This is impossible!

Duanmuyi frowned, thinking that the area he saw outside the manor was definitely within the scope of his soul power.

Something must have affected her soul power.

She withdrew all her strength, and after a moment of stupor, her eyes fell on the hot spring below her.

The hot spring is so big that it cannot fit in one courtyard.

She was about to get up when the stone shook suddenly. Before she could react, she was pulled by a force and fell into the water.

"Has the lord allowed you to sleep?" The black lord's lazy voice came from behind, "Why sleep for a long time in life, you will sleep forever after death, come here and give this lord a shoulder squeeze."

Duanmuyi took a big sip of water, got his head out from under the water, wiped off the splash on his face with one hand, and looked back.

Amidst the water mist, the man was naked to the waist, with half of his face turned sideways, but his black hair was still messy, covering his facial features.

Any mysterious person or thing will make people want to see the truth.

The more mysterious it is, the more people want to uncover that mysterious veil.

Duanmu Yi has always been used to being arrogant, and he used to find out what he was interested in before, so he didn't know how many dangers he had fallen into, and it was naturally the same now.

She tilted her head, stepped forward on the water, and said as she walked: "Anything you can get seems worthless.

The long sleep after death is too easy to come by, and it is more joyful than the lazy sleep stolen in life. "

The leader of the Black League brushed across the water casually, and a wall of water stood up from the hot spring pool. If Duanmu Yi didn't retreat in time, he would have hit his head on it.

"There is a saying in the human world that men and women can't kiss each other, why don't you look like a woman at all?" The leader of the black alliance said coldly.

Duanmuyi looked at the wall of water in front of him, feeling rather bored, and asked: "In the eyes of your leader of the black alliance, am I not your blind medicine in the future? Do you treat me like a woman?"

"It's good to know that you are medicine, and soaking in the hot spring will be good for your internal organs."

This sentence fell into Duanmuyi's ears, no matter how it sounded, it sounded like this pig needs to be fattened earlier so that it can be eaten earlier?

She was chilled by her own thoughts, and she withdrew the idea of ​​spying on the leader of the black alliance, and sank her mind into the water.

The water was too deep to reach the bottom of the pool, but it was strange that she wouldn't sink—if that wicked man didn't do it.

Her soul power couldn't reach the edge of the hot spring, so she wanted to try again to see if she could reach the bottom of the hot spring.

So she stepped back a little, found a suitable place, and released her soul power again.

The soul power condensed into a sharp arrow, pierced through the hot spring water without a trace, and probed into the depths.

It was silent, without any disturbance, and the leader of the black alliance not far away didn't notice it at all.

Just when the hot springs fell into peace and the Ninth Tower seemed to be deserted, a large area of ​​runes suddenly lit up in the dark square on the Huashen Peak of the Black Soul Mountain Range, which was tens of miles away from the Black League Academy. .

Above the runes, someone dressed in black suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hahahahaha! I succeeded!" He raised his hands in front of his eyes, staring at...

(End of this chapter)

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