Chapter 1483

The golden light in Dikong's profound eyes flickered, as if a bloodthirsty soul was about to burst out of his body.

He Erchuan was taken aback by his expression, and subconsciously looked in that direction, but couldn't sense any danger.

He knew how powerful Di Kongxuan was, so naturally he never thought of beating him in terms of cultivation. He Erchuan had never had much self-knowledge, but facing Dikongxuan, he still clearly felt the gap.

"It seems that he succeeded..." Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes, and slowly clenched his fists, "If he comes to the Black League Academy, the Black League Academy will be in danger, and we can't wait!"

"What are you waiting for?" He Erchuan asked.

"Wait for her."

Before Di Kongxuan came, he had a long talk with Jiang Xin. Jiang Xin not only taught him how to chase girls correctly, but also revealed a piece of news to him.

Among the top ten spiritual fires, the spiritual fire of the domain is hidden in the Black League Academy.

This may be the main reason why the Black League Academy is protected layer by layer and foreigners are not allowed to enter.

"Compared with the other nine spiritual fires, the spirit fire of the domain may not be as powerful in killing power, but the power of the domain possessed by this spiritual fire is definitely the emperor among the spiritual fires."

If there is one person among them who can subdue Linghuo, it must be Duanmuyi.

Di Kongxuan was convinced, so he kept waiting.

That night she insisted on going to the Black League Academy with He Erchuan, and Di Kongxuan guessed that she must have sensed the spiritual fire, so he tried his best to touch the string force restriction regardless of the danger of his life. , opened the door for her at that moment.

And He Erchuan, who seemed reckless but actually careful, also helped her in disguise.

Di Kongxuan used the pseudo-puppet technique to transform himself into a medicine attendant, and he also silently searched the entire Black League Academy, but there was only that place, which he couldn't find even with his strength, so he was [-]% sure that the spirit fire must be there.

Things were going in the direction they expected, Duanmuyi was brought into that mysterious courtyard, and then, just waited.

We have to wait for her to really subdue the spirit fire.

It's a pity that there was a sudden change, and the elder in charge actually succeeded at this juncture!

The elder in charge who was reborn after experiencing five tribulations and thunders is definitely the strongest on this continent!
Therefore, Di Kongxuan couldn't wait any longer.

As soon as the elder in charge leaves the customs, he must first rush to the spiritual fire. With his strength, it doesn't take much effort to subdue a spiritual fire.

Before Duanmuyi succeeds, Dikongxuan wants to buy time for her.


So hot!

This is Duanmuyi's last consciousness.

Just when she condensed her soul power into a thread, pierced through the hot spring water, and reached tens of feet underwater in an instant, a mysterious force suddenly pulled her into a mysterious space.

Immediately afterwards, as if a thousand-degree-high furnace fire was rising and burning, her soul power was evaporated into nothingness almost instantly.

She didn't dare to release her soul power, but immediately chose to shrink herself into a ball. The golden core in her dantian kept spinning, and the majestic spiritual power formed a transparent armor around her body.

When the armor was formed, it was continuously burned and evaporated. It didn't take long for her spiritual power to be exhausted.

"Damn, what the hell kind of place is this—"

Duanmuyi looked around, the air was distorted due to the high temperature, there was no fire and no sunlight, but it was very hot, so hot that her consciousness was almost lost.

Can't pass out!
(End of this chapter)

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