Chapter 1485

The master pet has the same mind, Linghu knew what she wanted to do, and immediately became serious.

"All spirit fires have no weakness, unless you can make it submit to you willingly.

Master, this is definitely not something that can be done by luck...

In other words, it just depends on luck and chance. "

Just looking at luck and chance is really a mysterious way of saying.

Duanmu Yi has always believed that man can conquer nature, if he can't win, it is because he is not strong enough.

Now that such a good opportunity is in front of her, if she can't seize it, she will regret it for the rest of her life.

"Surrender willingly?" Duan Muyi raised his head, looking at the empty space in front of him, a stern smile flashed in his eyes.

"My mother made her debut at the age of 13, and she has killed countless rich men, underworld bosses, and arms predators. You are mere spiritual fire. I must accept you today!"


A black stream of light came from a distance, and it was in front of him in an instant. The surrounding barriers of the Black League Academy were lit up, and ten students soared into the sky, stopping in front of the black figure.

"Who dares to break into the Black League Academy?!"

The black shadow raised his head slowly, and lifted the cloak covering his whole body. The middle-aged man glanced around and looked at these students with a sneer: "I haven't been in the academy for so many years. I didn't expect that all the students are so expressionless now. You don’t even know who the old man is?”

"Stop talking nonsense and show your warrant, otherwise don't blame me for being merciless."

"Okay, then let the old man see how merciless you are." The black-robed man is naturally the elder in charge of the Black League. He didn't ask about world affairs in the year, but only left mysterious legends to the Black League. Naturally, few descendants of the Black League know him.

He has successfully made himself No. 1 in the Cangyang Continent this time, and he is naturally not afraid of anyone, let alone the ten students of the Black League Academy. Even if the leader of the Black League came to stop him, he would not be afraid of anyone Not afraid.

Of course, if Di Kongxuan used all his strength to deal with him, the elder in charge would definitely lose.

But the elder in charge is sure, Di Kongxuan is not.

Once Di Kongxuan released all his strength, the fluctuation of his spiritual power would inevitably lead to cracks in the space, and a person who had already experienced the six tribulations and thunder and became a powerhouse in the transformation stage would be forcibly dragged into another time and space.

At that time, he wanted to see who else could stop him.

The elder in charge thought to himself, waved his hand casually, and the ten students had already vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"Who is presumptuous in our Black League Academy!" There was a thunderous sound in the distance, and the three honorary elders had arrived here after a while.

When the three saw the elder in charge, they were stunned for a moment, and then someone asked tentatively: "Are you—the elder in charge?"

The elder in charge glanced at him, and said after a while: "I remember you. Back then, you were just an ordinary student of the Black League Academy. Why, now you have become an honorary elder?"

"Rely on the leader's cultivation." The man responded, and said immediately, "It's a happy event for the elder to leave the customs. The black areas in the ten directions are cleaned every day. Don't you go to rest? When the leader returns, the subordinates must report to the leader. , to clean up the dust for you!"

The elder in charge frowned, looked around, sneered, only looked at the person in front of him and said: "Unexpectedly, this deity has been in seclusion for 500 years, and that kid actually took the whole black alliance..."

(End of this chapter)

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