Chapter 1511

Emperor Yuandong rubbed the clairvoyant in his hand, turned around and put it aside, "The person who yelled yesterday, I remember, is also from Duanmu's family?"

"Exactly, she is the first daughter of the Duanmu family, Duanmu Xiaoxiao.

This time, I came here with the eldest son and experienced together. "The long-bearded Taoist said.

Emperor Yuandong shook his head and smiled: "It's hard to become a master."

"She is also at the early stage of Jindan, and it is not easy at this age." The long-bearded Taoist said.

"Whether a person, especially a cultivator, can succeed depends on his cultivation alone, and his character is the most important thing.

You and Taoist Tong Lu are both strong in the Nascent Soul Stage, so you should know better than me, an ordinary person. "Emperor Yuandong chuckled.

"Your Majesty, you are not ordinary." The long-bearded Taoist smiled lightly.

Emperor Yuandong nodded at him with his fingers, and smiled without saying a word.

"Last night, the third princess' people inquired about you all night, and this morning the princess went to the queen's place to pay her respects, thinking that she wanted to see your majesty.

Why do you-"

Emperor Yuandong waved his hand: "Let the queen worry about the princess' affairs, but now the first big thing before her eyes is the black alliance.

It's not that you don't know the temperament of the third princess, and I'd be annoyed if you were entangled with her. "

The long-bearded Taoist chuckled, and said, "His Royal Highness is really cute, and Prince Chuan is a rare man. Why don't Your Majesty take this opportunity to throw out this hot potato, Princess, so that you can feel relaxed."

He said grandly that the princess is a hot potato. Although it was meant as a joke, it was too rude.

However, Emperor Yuandong has become accustomed to it.

He was worried about other things.

"The Hull Empire is not stable. When Heerchuan can take the position of the lord of the country, it will not be too late for me to consider marrying a daughter."


The reason why the Yuandong Empire became the largest empire in the Cangyang Continent was that apart from the magical mechanisms that could be seen everywhere in the empire, it was also because the empire controlled most of the cultivators and pharmacists on the continent.

There are very few cultivators in the human world, perhaps only one in a thousand people can become an acquired strong person who refines Qi and transforms into a god, and only one in ten thousand people can emerge as an innate master.

And pharmacists are even rarer.

But Duanmu Yi was standing under the alchemy tower at the moment, he didn't feel that there were very few alchemists in this world, he just felt that they were all alchemists.

Di Kongxuan issued a warrant, and soon someone led them through the tower on the ground floor and walked to a wall.

Duanmuyi looked suspiciously at the stone wall in front of him, looked suspiciously at the envious eyes cast by the people behind him, and watched suspiciously at the guide who stretched out his hand and pressed a handle on the side of the wall.

The stone wall moved away in front of my eyes. I don't know what kind of sliding device was installed, but it didn't make a sound.

Then what was exposed in front of her was a small boxy space.

The man stretched out his hand to signal: "Please, both."

The corner of Duanmuyi's mouth twitched, and he inevitably thought of the thing called "elevator" in his previous life.

After the security check, the elevator reappeared, and she couldn't help but wonder if there really was some expert who had crossed over before her to bring such advanced technology.

I just heard from Di Kongxuan that Yuandong's organ technique has been inherited for hundreds of years, and it has existed since he could remember. Even if there was such an expert, he would probably have died long ago, and there is no way to know.

The three walked into the elevator that Yuan Dong called the flying ladder, and Duan Muyi saw the man pull away...

(End of this chapter)

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