Chapter 1513

She stopped smiling immediately.

The man looked at him for a long time, and choked out a sentence: "I haven't seen you for eight years, you are even more shameless."

"I haven't seen you for eight years. You look much older than me." Di Kongxuan smiled.

The man was furious, slapped the table with one hand, jumped down, rushed to Di Kongxuan, pointed at his nose and cursed: "I'm only 57 years old this year!
And you!

You are more than 200 years old, do you have the face to call me old? ! "

Di Kongxuan looked left and right, shook his head, and said with a wicked smile: "No wonder you don't have a mirror in this room, if you take a closer look at your own face, you will know the difference between you and me."

The man snorted coldly and said, "You are a cultivator, why don't you compare yourself with me, an ordinary person?"

"You are so old, you are still arguing about this, are you sorry?"

"What's wrong with me!"

"Since you're in the mood, let's take a look at her."

After Di Kongxuan finished speaking, he raised his hand and pushed Duanmuyi forward, and said lazily, "The peak of Jindan late stage, the soul power is absolutely powerful, and it has the spiritual fire of the domain."

The man's face sank, and he said coldly, "What do you mean?"

"You also said just now that there is nothing embarrassing about it, so I don't think you should be embarrassed about accepting her as an apprentice, right?" Di Kongxuan smiled slightly, speaking surprisingly.

The man had just a disdainful face at first, and immediately started to attack when he heard the words: "Get out, get out! I know that there is nothing good for you, so don't bother me with my work!"

Duanmuyi watched with relish, feeling more and more that the relationship between these two people is not simple.

Even if it is Jiang Yi, he and Di Kongxuan are enough to be called close friends. They have been researching detoxification methods for 200 years, sealing spiritual power for him, and helping him find a lover, but that is also a friendship between gentlemen.

But now the mysterious old man in the medicine refining tower can actually push and shove with him, swearing and swearing, there is no image at all... The most important thing is that Di Kongxuan is not angry yet.

Not only was he not angry, but he raised his hand to hold the man's hand, turned his head and said to Duan Muyi: "Come and get acquainted, this is the Chief Elder of the Medicine Refining Pagoda, old Huochengshan.

Hmm... You and I are not polite people, and there is no need to pick a good day, so let's apprentice now. "

The corner of Duanmuyi's mouth twitched, and he glanced at him seriously, wanting to ask if he was serious?

But Di Kongxuan's expression was calm, his eyes were calm, and he couldn't be more serious when he was serious.

Duanmu took a serious look, took a step forward, knelt down, and solemnly kowtowed three times: "Disciple pays homage to Master!"

"You, you, you..." Huo Chengshan pointed at these two people with trembling hands, held back for a long time, and uttered four words with a flushed face: "Shameless!"

Di Kongxuan showed a slight smile, and took out a spirit ring and handed it to him: "Of course you won't let you accept disciples in vain, the spirit ring contains all kinds of spirits that I have searched all over the mainland for these years. The medicine can always fill the vacancy in your medicine refining tower."

Huochengshan almost didn't come up in one breath, Duanmuyi quickly got up to support him, let him onto the reclining chair beside him, and said: "If Master is unwell, this disciple will go and fetch medicine for you."

"Stop!" Huochengshan took a breath with great difficulty, grabbed Duanmuyi's sleeve, looked at Dikongxuan and said, "You count me as unlucky at the stall! This girl is too, it's not good at all to follow you Learned, Jingxue is broken!"

(End of this chapter)

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