Chapter 1518

Di Kongxuan met her eyes, and saw the indescribable impulse inside, as strong as overflowing wine, which was about to wet his heart.

"Tomorrow..." He paused, raised his hand to grab her arm, put his other hand around her waist, and pressed her against the wall behind the desk, his voice was low and intoxicated, spitting out warmth The hot humidity whispered in her ear, "Don't worry about what you have to do tomorrow, but today you actually have something big to do."

How could Duanmuyi not know what he was thinking.

The two had always been close, and there were always frictions with each other. Last time, they even almost misfired, but Di Kongxuan himself stopped at the last moment.

She looked at him at this moment, showing a narrow smile: "It's a pity, I still have to become a pharmacist."

Last time he said that one of the conditions for becoming a pharmacist is to maintain a pure body, that is, a virgin body. Now he can be regarded as shooting himself in the foot.

"It's okay." Who knows that Di Kongxuan is also thick-skinned, he rubbed Duanmuyi's waist, stretched out his hand to press her into his arms, endured great pain, and said, "There are other ways to solve it. .”

When the sun was setting on the western mountain, the door of the room, which had been closed for most of the day, finally opened slowly, and Di Kongxuan came out in a well-dressed manner, with a satisfied smile on his face.

His eyes fell on the other side of the gable wall, and gradually, his smile faded away, and his face regained his inscrutable expression.


Xun Yi appeared by his side at some point, and whispered something in his ear.

Di Kongxuan said with a sneer, "I intended to let her go, but she insisted on coming to look for her."

"Tomorrow is the emperor's birthday, the three princesses can't leave the palace, it is only possible that Duanmu Xiaoxiao is here to handle this matter." Xun Yi said, "The Duanmu family has a lot of people, but our people have already been sent out to investigate."

Speaking of it, Duanmuyi never knew how many people Di Kongxuan had in his hands, but Di Kongxuan was already strong enough, and these people under his hands were only helping him spy on information and deal with the aftermath, so she didn't care.

In fact, Di Kongxuan had no more than [-] people in his hands, but all of them were masters, because now that the monsters were rioting and the vast continent was in crisis, the only person around him who could be used was Xunyi.

Di Kongxuan turned his head and glanced at the door, he seemed to be able to see the exhausted and sleeping girl through the door, his heart calmed down just by looking through the door.

"You follow her and tell her about this tomorrow, so as not to be unprepared." Di Kongxuan ordered, "Duanmu Xiaoxiao alone is far from her opponent.

If the second elder of the Duanmu family shows up, you know what to do. "

"The subordinates will try their best to protect the girl comprehensively!" Xun Yi said seriously.

Di Kongxuan glanced at him, stepped out of the yard, and said coldly: "Idiot, come back with your life, I will make the decision for her."

Xun Yi rubbed the back of his head, and finally recovered after a while.

Oh, it turned out that the master wanted to be a hero himself, and he couldn't ruin the master's good deeds.

Duanmuyi seldom slept so deeply, but this time Dikongxuan took advantage of him and had to try his best to satisfy him, so he was tired.

When she woke up, it was still pitch black outside the window, and everything was silent, except for the call of Zhizhi coming from some unknown grass.

Every cell in my body is moaning tiredly...

(End of this chapter)

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