Chapter 1521

It's still as annoying as when I was a child, especially those innocent eyes, as if everyone in the world should love her.

It must be these eyes that made her own brother fascinated, and even treated his own sister harshly for this bitch.

She really should have dug out these eyes first!
"I really regret why I didn't kill you last time. I thought the power of Danhe was enough to break your heart, but I didn't expect to change your appearance and make you live to this day." Duanmu Xiaoxiao said coldly.

Duanmuyi didn't seem to be in a hurry, she dropped Muyuan casually, as if she wasn't the one who was in a hurry to pursue Muyuan just now.

She sighed: "Yes, Danhe is really my reborn parent, I will kill pigs and goats later, and sacrifice to Danhe.

I thank it for giving me this opportunity, allowing me to use my genius to see with my own eyes how the once invincible prostitute of the Duanmu family was trampled under my feet time and time again. "

"I see where you are going to run away this time!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao didn't want to talk nonsense with her, and with a flash of his mind power, he also conjured up a spirit sword.

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Spiritual power has materialized? Unexpectedly, you have also entered the golden core stage. It's really gratifying."

"Kill you, I'm the genius of the family!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao yelled, lightly stepped on the ground with his feet, and flew into the air in a blink of an eye, the spirit sword slashed straight towards Duanmuyi's face.

Looking at the menacing spirit sword, Duanmuyi didn't even change his expression.

She still had time to sigh: "Fantasy is plump, but reality is skinny."

I don't know how many years ago there was a buzzword, but now it is used to describe Duanmu Xiaoxiao, but it really couldn't be more appropriate.

Duanmuyi just lifted his finger slightly, and the spirit power on his body did not leak at all, and the spirit sword near the front door was turned into a pool of ashes.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao was in mid-air and had nowhere to borrow his strength. Although he was shocked, he still reacted quickly, stretching his arms and retreating quickly.

However, since she has sent herself to the door, Duanmuyi will not let her go easily.

There was an invisible fluctuation between the eyebrows, and the illusion of Chang Fei spread quickly, covering the entire street.Now with her strength, it is not difficult to trap these people in the illusion.

However, unexpectedly, Duanmu Xiaoxiao did not fall into an illusion.

Her eyes were slightly focused, and she fell on Duanmu Xiaoxiao's hair. This young lady who was used to wearing gold and silver had an unremarkable wooden hairpin in her hair.

She knew that wooden hairpin was the root of the sand tree. The sand tree can clear away the turbidity, and the wood heart is the elixir she needs, but after the tree root is cultivated and worn on the body, it will have the effect of restraining the illusion.

Unexpectedly, the Duanmu family was also prepared for her.

Although Duanmu Xiaoxiao didn't fall into the illusion, she also knew that the person she brought didn't have such a powerful elixir, and now she was the only one left... No, she wasn't the only one.

"What kind of skill is it to use some low-level methods?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao said coldly.

Seeing Duanmu Xiaoxiao's resentful and embarrassed look, Duanmu realized that he had thought of Di Kongxuan.That guy has never had any mercy, and asking him to abide by fair play is simply wishful thinking.

The last time he was in the Black League, what did he say when he faced the elder in charge of the Five Tribulation Thunders?

(End of this chapter)

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